Fallen and an Angel

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Feli sat beside the fallen watching the water in the pond glisten. He swished his finger threw it and let out a bored sigh.

Suddenly he heard a slight grunt from the fallen angel and he stood up walking backwards. The fallen's eyes opened slowly to reveal bright, sharp blue eyes. He sat up and felt the back of his head. He looked up at the shaking angel.

"Hey..." He grumbled.


"Are you okay?"

"Uh.... I'm okay? Are you okay?"

"..... I think so?"

"So... What should we do now?"

"I guess we should go home?"



"We can't."


"Our wings, they broke when we fell." Feli said pointing to the jet black wing.

The Fallen stood up and checked his wings.

"What's your name?" Feliciano asked.


"Well we're stuck here till we heal, we may as well get to know each other!"

The fallen lifted his brow. "Ludwig, Ludwig Beilshmidt."

"Ludwig! That's a great name! My name is Feliciano, Feliciano Vargas!"

"Feliciano, a very fitting name."

"Haha riiiight! You aren't as mean as my brother makes your kind out to be!"

"Your brother seems nice?"

"He's kinda a dick but he's a good guy."

"I thought Angels weren't aloud to swear?"

"It's not a swear word! It means whale penis!"

"So you're calling your brother a whale penis? I don't get you."

"Hehe, well that's the part of getting to know somebody!"

"What did I get myself into." Ludwig sighed.

"Maybe we should go find a human town." Feliciano wondered.

"What? Why the hell would you want to do that?" Ludwig scowled.

"You know, we could go shopping or go look for pretty girls!"

"Women? You want to go chase women? I wouldn't do that if I were you...." The German accent warned.

"What? Why not?"

"You might experience a human emotion that's part of the 7 deadly sins."

"I'm not going to eat the ladies!!"

"What?! No, not gluttony. You might feel lust." He snapped.


"You don't know what lust is?"

"N-no." Feli said a bit embarrassed.

"Your innocence is amazing but it's going to get you in trouble someday." Ludwig joked.



"You have a very nice smile Ludi!" Feli tilted his head and smiled.

The Fallen blushed a little and looked away.

"Why would you say that?" He murmured.

"Because it's true!"


"C'mooooon let's go find a tooown."

"I don't know if you know this, but your kind maybe worshiped by humans, but mine is hunted."

"Then hide your wings, I thought you were a man when I saw you in heaven!"

"You were watching me from heaven?"

The little Italian accented angel blushed. "Y-yeeeah, not for long!"

"Wait if you saw me, couldn't one of your angel friends see you and come save you?"

"Of course! And they will!"

Ludwig flinched, he stood up and looked away from the boy.

"What's wrong Ludi?"

"I'm gonna go. You should stay here and wait for your people."

"Wait!" Feli cried latching on to the strong mans arm. "Don't goooo, it's so scary alone and I get acid reflex when I'm scared!!"

"You... What?! No just stay here!"

"But whyyyy."

The bigger man paused. "....... Because your kind and my kind don't get along."

"B-but you're a good fallen, right?"

Ludwig turned around his eyes looking down at the smaller boy in surprise.

"Do you think I am?"

"Well you saved me, so you can't be that bad!" Feli laughed.

Ludwig took a second then turned to look at Feliciano. He examined the angels amber eyes and saw sincerity. He nodded slightly.

"Alright, I'll stay with you."

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