Chapter Four: Welcome To Magix!

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I'm so sorry for the long wait but I've been swamped with school and sports. Just keep in mind that I have to edit the episode then add the reactions and make sure it matches with the show, plus add Astra in.

"So, this is the realm of Magix." Vanessa asked in amazement as they walked through the forest.

"Wow! This is like nothing I've ever seen." Mike gasps.

"That must be your school over there, you excited?" Vanessa asked her daughter, Bloom nodding enthusiastically.

"You bet I am."

"Let's go then, we don't want to be la-" Mike gets cut off, not being able to walk any further, due to a magical barrier.

"What's happening?" Many in the hall questioned. Amelia Bones writing something down on a piece of parchment.

"A magical border." Dumbledore smirked evilly.

"Hey, it's like there's an invisible wall. I can't get through." Mike grunted, trying again.

"Really? Where is it? I can't feel anything. Are you guys pulling my leg?" Bloom asked them, unimpressed as she managed to get through. Kiko follows her, also getting through the barrier.

"No, honey, honest." Mike sighs.

"Stella, did you do that by any chance?" Bloom asked her new friend who shook her head.

"No, Bloom, it's a protective barrier. It keeps non-magical creatures out of Alfea." Stella explained. Stella waves her fingers and the magical barrier is revealed. "Sorry, I'm afraid you can't go any further."

"Mom! Dad!" Bloom cries as she passes back through to her parents.

"Guess it's time to say goodbye, Bloom. Oh, my precious little girl." Vanessa says through her sadness and tears.

"Always do your best, okay. And remember, we'll always be there for you, no matter what." Mike tells her firmly before turning to the bunny. "Kiko, you keep an eye on her." Kiko salutes Mike.

"They really are good parents," Some noted. Others huffing, good parents wouldn't let go that easily.

"Don't worry, she's in good hands." Stella says with a friendly smile before turning to Bloom and whispering. "Come on, we gotta go."

"I'll be back home for a visit as soon as I can." Bloom told her parents.

"I'll send you home now. Ready? Stay there, don't move. Solaria!" Stella exclaims. Stella takes off her ring which turns into her scepter, opening a portal as Vanesa and Mike get transported away. "And have a nice trip. Ready to take the plunge? Once you cross the barrier, there's no turning back."

"My mind's made up, Stella, I'm going with you." Bloom said firmly. Stella turns her scepter back into her ring.

"Alright, let's get moving. It's time to show our faces." Stella smiles. Bloom grabs her suitcase, and Stella walks through the protective barrier.

"Can't they just use their fairy magic on those suitcases?" Some halfblood pointed out.

"She hasn't gone to school yet, idiot." Castor rolled his eyes, desperately wanting to see his best friend back on the screen.

Astra sighs as she walks through the forest. It would be much quicker if she had just used her magic to fly there but she didn't think of that until she was at least half way. Plus, she wanted to prove herself as not only a fairy but not to be known as a spoiled princess.

"Merlin," Astra sighed pointlessly, banging her head on her hand as she finally arrived in front of the school, walking in and getting in line for the acceptance letters.

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