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(A/n: real quick before we start. I don't own teen wolf I only own Emily and her storyline. I know this is a bit rushed, but it's just a
little opener on how they became friends, and I know it's a little ridiculous, lol, but I thought this was kinda cute. Enjoy the story and ill see you in the next chapter)

A young red-headed girl sat on the bench outside her school; it was recess. Most kids were playing on the jungle gym or swings.

However, young Emily sat on the wooden bench, watching the birds fly by in the bright blue sky, listening to the wind blow through the trees on a sunny spring day.

Emily was a quiet kid; she never spoke out against anyone or yelled. She liked books and quiet time in her room.

One day she was sitting on her favorite bench when a ball came flying at her. The red dodgeball smacked her head, causing the girl to cry out in pain.

"oh my God, I'm so sorry, stiles; why did you kick it that hard" a young boy around 8 or 9 with dork curly hair yelled at his best friend.

"I wasn't aiming at her; I was aiming at the tree," another boy around the same age yelled back. He was paler than the other boy and had slightly shorter hair.

"Are you okay?" stiles asked Emily gently.

"Yeah, thanks for hitting me with a ball," she finally spoke with a slight giggle.

"I told him not to kick it so hard towards you," the other young boy spoke, unsure how to improve this situation.

" It's okay. I'm Emily, by the way" she smiled at the boys.

"I'm Scott, and this is Stiles," the curly-haired boy spoke, sitting next to the girl. Stiles sat on the other side of her and made sure the girl didn't have a bruise.

"You want to kick the ball with us?" Stiles asked Emily as he picked up the red dodgeball once again. He smiled at the girl as he got a look at her, her bright red hair and bright blue eyes. She was really pretty to him.

"why not" she giggled, taking the ball from the boy and running away with it, causing the two boys to look at her and then at each other in confusion.

"she's weird," stiles spoke to Scott.

"so, are you shut up" Scott laughed before taking off after the girl. None of them knew that day would change everything forever.

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