Chapter 15

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Pain radiated through my body, making me groan. I felt like I had been hit by a bus; my head throbbed, and I felt like any quick movements would make me sick. I shift to sit up and notice I'm not in my house or room. I looked around the dark room; the wood was charred, and the whole place was dusty. It looked like no one had lived here for a very long time. So why was I here?

"Take it easy; You fell pretty hard," A deep voice makes me snap my head up quickly toward the sound, only to be met with the only derek hale.

"Where am I?" I asked groggily, raising my hand to rub my temple. A groan slipped from my lips as I felt the surge of a headache pierced my skull.

"And why does my head feel like it will explode?" I breathe deeply, trying to rid my head of the pain. 

"You don't remember anything?"Derek gently asked, strolling close to where I was sitting. I  try to pick my brain for anything that could tell me what happened; I mean, one minute, im having lunch with my friends, and the next, im on a couch speaking to derek hale.

Derek moved to sit on a table before me, his face showing sympathy with a sad smile as he looked at me. My eyes shifted up to lock with his. I had never felt like this before, and it started to scare me. Where were these gaps in my memories coming from? Why did my body feel like it was warmer than average? I couldn't understand why my brain and body did this to me. 

"No, nothing," I mutter, shifting my eyes away from him. I quickly stand, brush my hair out of my face, and sigh heavily.

"I remember having lunch with lydia and allison, and I have this faint memory of stiles talking to me, but that's it; what is wrong with me?" I ramble quickly as I begin pacing around the room. Derek watched intently, but I swear I saw a look on his face like he knew what was happening to me.

"What's with your face?" I asked harshly, pointing to his face as his eyes snapped to meet mine. The slight sound of a jingle brought his eyes to my wrist, where I wore my favorite bracelet, a silver chain with a dragon charm on it. My mother gave it to me when I was just a little girl. I rarely wore it and began to wonder when I had put it on.

"What?" I ask again, seeming to bring him back to the conversation. Derek quickly shakes his head and stands, trying to change the direction of the conversation; he waves off my question.

"Nothing. Look, I know this is scary, and you have no idea what is happening to you, but I need you to trust me; I can help," Derek spoke softly, stepping closer to me as he spoke. 

"Trust you? I barely even know you," I shout, quickly trying to exit the house. The words seemed to leave my lips so fast that I never even realized the feeling I got when I saw the sad look on Derek's face. It was regret. I shrug off the feeling, turn to the door, and reach for the handle, only to be stopped by Derek's voice again.

"You know me, Emelia, you just dont remember," Derek spoke the name so fast I almost didn't catch it, but it seemed to spark something in me. I quickly turned and faced the brooding man with a stern face, this time intentionally glowing my eyes at him.

"That's not my name," I growled slightly at the man, anger rising in my throat with every word he spoke. A slight smirk pulled at his lips, and he looked almost proud for a second. He quickly wiped it away as he crept closer to me.

"You don't remember? Come on, red, I know you're smart. Use that brain of yours for once," He spoke softly, but anger nothing but anger filled me. 

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