Choose the Apocalypse [Voting over]

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This first chapter is going to be where you guys get to choose the type of apocalypse the monsters have to face. You only have to comment the type you want , nothing specific. The apocalypse with the most votes will be written. I'll give you guys a few days (most likely a week and a half) to vote. Depending on the type chosen, there might be another chapter asking which island to start with.
+ Here are the Types of Apocalypses to Choose From +

-Wubbox Takeover
-Eco (Natural disasters on every island)
- Corruption
- Virus
- Colossals Lose Control

+Sorry if there's not a lot of options, I kinda forgot everything the moment I started writing +

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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