Waking up from a Dream

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Hey guys, before we start I just wanted to say something real quick. I've been rewatching the Steve saga episodes and recently gotten to the part where I started watching Steve saga for the first time. Everything has changed since then... From the first time, I watched those episodes everything changed. What I believe in, how I act, what I do, my friends, school, jobs, everything... Steve Saga, Steve Saga Origins, Blue Steve Saga, Rainbow Quest, Steve Legends, Twisted Rainbow. It's been there for me. It has gotten me to where I am today, and I think that all of you who are reading this feel the same way. We have this one thing that has changed for us, but here we are. Here.

Just take some time to realize how much has changed and appreciate what you have now. I know it's a weird start off, but I felt like it needed to be said.

Hope you enjoy the chapter ^^


I woke up in bed. Back in the small bedroom where many strange objects from the past laid. I finally felt warm under these covers. The sun shined down on my blindfold. Was that all A dream?

I sat up from my bed and stretched my arms above my head. I yawned and covered my mouth as my body relaxed. A new day. Let's see what needs to get done today. I adjust my clothes slightly and went downstairs. I was quickly taken away by a tight hug from Time Steve.

"Sabre! Where have you been?! You were missing all evening and no one could find you!" Time Steve asked in a panic.

"I was helping a red steve with fishing. I got back here late. Did you not hear me come in?" I asked while I hugged him back.  He sighed. 

"Just... Tell us next time. We were all worried you got hurt or worse..." I pulled back from the hug a little and rested my hand on his clock mask while the seconds ticked by. 

"I will, sorry that I worried you. You did go to sleep last night right?" I asked him concerned. He was still healing from the fight. 

"I did... Just not for a long time." I sighed.

"How about you go back to bed and I'll tell the others I'm okay." Time looks down at me and nods. He did a small wave goodbye before he went back upstairs. At least he can feel better sooner... I felt the house not bothering to eat. I need to deal with my friends first. I went to the center of town where the bunker was to find all of them gathered together. Rainbow Steve, Light Steve, Blue Steve, Elemental Steve, and Lucas talking to each other. Rainbow looked nervous and so did Lucas. I waved to them.

"Rainbow! Lucas! Are you okay?!" I ran over to them now. Rainbow's eyes lit up at the sight of me. Lucas quickly became relieved. 

"Sabre! Where were you!?" Rainbow hugged me when I came over to him. 

"I was helping out a Red Steve who got hurt from the fight get some fish. I was out for a lot longer than I thought..." I laughed nervously. Lucas shook his head.

"Just tell us... I was worried there."

"Time just told me the same thing. He's resting now." I explained to the others. Elemental sighed. 

"Thanks, Sabre, now can you tell us what happened?" Elemental looked back at Blue Steve. What were they talking about?

"Well... We tried getting some answers from Reverse Steve then everything went black. We woke up on the floor with one of the Red Steves gone..." Blue Steve told all of us. 

"Yeah... I went to help the other Red Steve he was unconscious and didn't seem to remember any of us coming in the room." Light continued. 

"The weirdest part was when we tried talking to Revrse Steve... He said he couldn't remember. Remember where the base was, or their plans. He seemed just as confused as we were." Rainbow explained. A memory clicked in my head. 

"Memory Steve! Remember him?" I asked Rainbow. His eyes widen. 

"It could be! He was the one who could erase memories just by looking at him..."

"My cousin..." Everyone looked towards Elemental.

"You're cousin?" Lucas asked looking at him. 

"Yes, he was created by Void Steve." Right, Lucas wasn't here for Memory Steve.

"Yeah Lucas, he can erase memories even from me. He affects everything. How did you know about him?" I looked at Elemental.

"Galaxy told me and Illusion about him."  I nod in understanding.

"Has he been doing this to you three?" Blue Steve asked and looked at me, Lucas, and Elemental. I thought about it for a moment. Just a moment though. 

"Nope. Nothing like that at all." I said honestly. 

"Me neither," Lucas adds. 

"My memory is just fine too."  Elemental finished our thoughts. 

"So he must have done it to make sure that we couldn't get any information from Reverse Steve and left... That means he is useless to us now." Light looked down in dissapoitnemnt. Lucas comforts Light.

"No, it means we can figure out how we can defeat the villains. If we can figure out how to destroy him without him coming back then we can do that to any other villains." Lucas hugs Light who hugs back.

"Great idea Lucas. I can look into that today." I nod to Lucas. 

"It's a good idea, but maybe we should focus on some other things as well. Blue Steve and Light. You still don't have your abilities right?" Elemental asked. 

"Yeah... It's been hard not being able to defend ourselves." Blue Steve looks at his hand. The light turned his head away. 

"We can see if there is a machine we can use to get your abilities back. On the other hand, we can also help Lucas and Rainbow Steve train their abilities." I looked at Elemental confused. 

"Lucas has powers?" I asked. 

"I'm half red steve, Sabre." Lucas looks at me confused. "I know I didn't explain that to you but you saw me use fire on Reverse Steve."

"Right you did! Sorry just so much has happened recently..." I quickly apologized as fear came up my throat.

"Don't worry Sabre! It's not your fault." Rainbow said cheerfully. I relaxed. 

"It's a great idea Elemental. Maybe you can help Lucas and Rainbow since you have so many different abilities. I can ask Time to help us get Light and Blue Steve's powers back. Maybe even the Guardian." 

"Sounds good to me!" Rainbow got up and dragged Lucas away to a field. Elemental sighed and followed the two. Leaving me alone with Blue Steve and Light.

"You two go to the Guardian first and talk to him. I'll come over with Time when he feels better alright?" I looked at the two. They both agreed and left for the Overseer's house together. I guess the Guardian is there for now. I went back to the house and Time shared. I entered in quietly and went to his room to find him asleep in his bed. The blanket wasn't fully over him though. I went next to him and tucked the blanket over his shoulder so he could sleep comfortably. I then closed the blinds of the windows so no light entered the room. I left the room quietly and went downstairs. I sat on the couch and waited silently for him to wake up.

I just hope I can keep this act up long enough for the plan to go into play. 


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