"Make him pay."

448 7 5

TW- swearing, violence, low mood, death, emetophobia.

Song: in this shirt
Artist: the irrepressibles

Kat's pov:

"Get up." I was sternly told, before that same person kicked the post of the bed causing me sit up and groan. "Hurry up Kat, we don't have all day." Rafe told me. I saw him grab something off the side of his dresser and slip it into the waist band of his trousers.
"Where the fuck are we going, Rafe?" I asked, adjusting my eyes to the bright sunlight that shone through the windows of the bedroom. Oh god, it looked like it was about eleven/ish. I really had slept in after Toppers fuck session earlier.
"Golf." He said, he slammed the door on his way out. I fell back against the pillows that I had been asleep on less than five minutes ago and slowly felt my eyelids shut again. I was exhausted more than usual.
"Kat." Rafes' voice entered my eardrums again, more sternly this time. His tone meant he was bored and had nothing to do or he was planning something- either way I knew better than to get on his bad side. Although, five more minutes of sleep couldn't hurt anyone. Right?  "For fucks sake, Kat. Get up." He groaned. I felt the bed dip beside me, before my blanket was ripped off of my body. I muttered a, "fuck." but by the time I reopened my eyes and saw the look on my boyfriends face, I knew that I should stop waisting time.
Sitting up, he was still sat on the edge of the bed. With his head now in his hands, I knew something was wrong with him. "Rafe... baby? What's wrong?" I asked, crawling over to him and placing one of my arms around his back. "I'm sorry." I told him, putting my head on his shoulder- facing his neck. He grabbed my thighs and sat me on his legs that hung off the bed, before looking up at me with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. His hair dangled in front of his face so I brushed it back. As my hand accidentally brushed his ear, his head bowed down and mouth collided with mine. It shocked me slightly. But before I could react, my back was back against the mattress and he was on top of me. His tongue explored my mouth as our saliva mixed. My hands went to his hair and tugged it every-so-often making a groan leave his lips each and every time. "Damn, baby girl. The things you do to me." He whispers lowly under his breath. Rafe brings his head up to admire the rest of my body, but abruptly stops- his grin turning serious again. "Get dressed. We're leaving in ten." He tells me, leaving the room straight afterwards. I sigh. Sometimes I wish he would tell me what's going on in his head, he comes across as so... damaged once he lets me in. And I don't know how to fix him. I want to help him, but he doesn't let me in enough to do that. His father is the problem; always ordering Rafe to act strong and masculine, it is toxic for him.


Topper holds out his hand for me as I step off of his new boat. "Thanks, what a gentleman." He smiles down at me, "No problem, darling." I turn around, once I am on land, and see Rafe get off on his own- carrying the golf clubs in the bag on his back. We walk up the small, grassy bank towards the course. It's hot now, the sun is positioned fully in the center of the summer sky as it radiates down on us like a hammer to a nail. I watch my boys set up on the first course, they're truly beautiful. I sit on the grass behind them (and in the shade) as Rafe pulls out all of the golf clubs and starts pretending to hit a ball across the pitch. I wasn't going to lie: I didn't know the first thing about golf. But I didn't mind watching the two boys do what made them happy.

"Babe, come here." Topper said, I cocked my head up from where it was laying on the dry grass. He was holding out his golf club. I smiled and make my way over to him. "Take it." He insisted, pushing the metal stick into my hands and then disappearing behind me. A few seconds later, I feel his arms wrap around my waist and his hands hold mine on top of his golf club. "What are you doing?" I laugh, my eyes catching on Rafe for a good while. Damn. "I'm teaching you." He stated, before moving my arms back and forth with the force of his own hands. "Right, so line up the golfball with the club. And then just hit it and you should be good." He lined everything up for me and then said, "And just aim straight."
"Topper, I don't really-" he interrupted me.
"You'll be fine. This is one time, then you can sunbathe... in the shade again, babe." He chuckled. I nodded as he helped me. I swing the club backwards and then forwards, I smile as the white golf ball catapults through the air and lands in some long grass. Rafe laughs at me and I hear Topper stifle back a chuckle behind me, I gasp, "Don't laugh at me." Rafe walks over to us as Top takes his hands off of mine. "That was awful." He says as he drops his silver golf club on the mowed hill and grabs me by my waist- pulling me in for a deep kiss.
His tongue quickly enters my mouth while I place my hand on the back of his head, forcing his face closer to mine. Topper fingertips gracefully dance over the back of my thighs so I lean my head back against his shoulder; Rafe begins attacking my neck. Ring, ring, ring...
I groan as my phone rings and vibrates in my pocket, I pull it out to see the words: 'House Phone' calling me. "I have to take this." I explain, walking away from my two boys.
"Hello?" I ask, plugging the ear that wasn't next to my phone with my ear to block out the sounds of the boys talking.
"K- Kat." A young boys' whisper cries through the speaker, "Mother hasn't been back in days and there's someone outside. They-"
"They what, Blake?" I am concerned now, "I'm on my way okay? I'll be there in thirty minutes tops, can you stay on the phone for me? I'm right here."
"They have a gun."
"I'm coming just hang on!" I quickly tell the boys I'm needed at home and for them to stay here. I sprint further into this island to where I get a taxi to the house.

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