Chapter 8

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My first day as a Squire had dragged, and I thought it would last forever. However, now I knew about the Angelway challenge, Sunday rushed by. Lex had informed me that the challenge was an afternoon affair and that they usually got the morning off to rest and work on personal projects. However, Lex and Marcus spent their morning going through the layout of the obstacle course for me. I knew at university there were ridiculous challenges involving mud, ropes, and running, but this course took the cake. It was a five-kilometre track that was hidden mostly in the forest. However, it wasn't the run that worried me. "The challenge is supposed to push on your three core aspects," Lex said, pacing up and down the rec room. "Body, mind and spirit."

"Body is easy," Marcus continued, drawing a diagram on a piece of paper. "That usually involves wall climbs, netting, and a swim at the end."

"A swim?" I repeated. I doubted the Arknights would be generous enough to provide us a clean swimming pool to end in. I tried not to imagine how cold that water would be.

Lex ignored my comment. "Its the mind and soul sections that are difficult. They change that up every time." I wondered how a Arknight would challenge a Squire's mind. It certainly wasn't a written test so what could it be? Fear didn't grip me about the mental problems like the others as my intelligence was one of my strengths.

"I think all we can advise is remember why you are there and keep going," Marcus said. "There is nothing that is supposed to hurt you." That didn't fill me with confidence. Our job was to put our lives on the line for the sake of humanity so I doubted the Arknights would let us train without knowing pain.

Just before lunch, Marcus and I went to sir Atticus's office. I peered into each of the Arknight's rooms to see each of them hard at work. However, not all the rooms were full. I wondered where the others were, as everyone had a teacher. This was a nice distracted for a moment from thinking about what would happen in the next hour. We knocked on the door and Sir Atticus called us in.

"How can I help you?" Sir Atticus said, pushing away from his computer to focus on them.

"It's about the Angelway challenge this afternoon, sir," Marcus said. As soon as the words left his mouth, Sir Atticus' eyes darkened. Before Marcus could say another word, Sir Atticus picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to us. It was a printout of an email from the Grandmaster herself. It simple said: Looking forward to seeing the Nexus in action today. Even in its words, I could read every beat of glee contained in that one sentence. I gulped. I was going to have to compete. "Is there nothing you can do?" Marcus asked, throwing down the email.

Sir Atticus shook his head. "We all know this is beyond me," he said before turning to me. "Just go out there and do your best. Don't worry about coming last, just get to the end."

It was a sunny afternoon with a few fluffy clouds in the sky. At least it wasn't too cold, I thought to myself miserably. Alice always used to say look on the bright side, but hardcore exercise that I was not ready for had very few bright sides. I followed Marcus down one path past the fields to where a line of trees stood. It was odd to see so many trees with a background of city buildings. The Mantle owned the land, so it had been saved from development, giving the Arknights an acre or two to train on. What hid in those trees, I didn't dare to think.

A crowd of people were making their way to the same woodland, most of them talking excitedly. The majority were the auxiliary soldiers, but I spotted a Squire and a Master here and there. A pair of soldiers were walking in front when I caught a single word of their conversation. "Nexus," one of them said. I pricked my ears to hear what they were saying. "Why would you put a bet on her? She's new?"

"Durrr, she's the Nexus," the other one replied. "She has to have some superpower, otherwise why would the Grandmaster let her in?" I felt sick. My insides were coiling around themselves into a tighter and tighter knot. I didn't have any special powers. Sure, I had made a shield once, but any Priest could do that, and mine had barely held against a demon. Marcus must have been listening in too, as he powered through them with me following in his wake. I could feel the eyes of the two soldiers watching me.

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