Chapter 18

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The other Arknights soon returned from their battles. Though as each one returned, it was clear the demons had not come to fight. "They kept retreating," Sir Otto said to Master Rooke. We were sitting on a low wall. Neither of Sir Atticus or I had spoken since Meredith had kidnapped Marcus. I wanted to say something to him, or have him say something just to fill this eerie silence between us. My guilt was tearing up my insides. Though many had been wounded, no one was dead. Master Rooke was sporting a large bruise on his forehead but seemed with it.

"They were baiting you," Master Rooke growled, gazing over the destruction Meredith had caused. Soldiers were all on full alert, and squads of infantry dealt with the fallout of the attack. "It worked. We were defenceless against the Fallen."

"How did they get through the Halo unharmed?" Sir Iris asked, shaking her head. "Any demon should have been weak as shit when they arrived."

Sir Petra sat by Sir Atticus. She hadn't said a word since the other had arrived. Instead, she had sat down next to Sir Atticus and placed a hand on his shoulder. Unlike the other two, it seemed Sir Petra had realised Sir Atticus was dealing with something. "Because she's not a demon," Sir Atticus said in a low voice. Sir Otto and Sir Iris turned to look at him. Master Rooke shook his head in remorse. "It's Meredith, guys, that's who the Fallen is," Sir Atticus said.

The others looked horror-struck. "That's impossible. How could she go to the demon side? She was one of us?"

"She didn't do it intentionally," Sir Atticus said through gritted teeth. Sir Otto and Sir Lex took a step back, obviously frightened by Sir Atticus's wrath. He glared at the pair of them. "What has happened to her doesn't matter now. What matters is Marcus's safety."

"How do we get him back?" Sir Otto asked. "From what you said, she just flew into the sky with him. She could be anywhere by now."

Sir Atticus slowly got to his feet. He went up to Sir Otto and patted him on the shoulder. "I've got a plan," he said, giving his old friend a small smile. "But, I'm going to need some help. Master Rooke, could you go to Grandmaster Hera and report what happened. It might give us some time." Master Rooke nodded and headed off towards the Mantle.

"She won't agree to any missions, Atticus," Sir Petra pointed out.

"Good thing I'm not asking then," Sir Atticus replied, watching Master Rooke go off. He then turned to the other Arknights. "You three, I need you to find what Arknights are available. Tell them to ready themselves, I'll have instructions for them shortly."

Sir Otto and Sir Iris just nodded, while Sir Petra got to her feet. "And what will you be doing?" She asked.

I spotted a glint in Sir Atticus' eyes. "I need to speak to the witches. I'm going to activate the New Moon Protocol." The others shared a look though none of them said a word. Instead, they turned on their heels and marched off in opposite directions.

This just left Sir Atticus and me. I sat, feeling very small in the shadow of the great man. I had thought his silence after losing Marcus was grief like a father would feel. But like any father, he had not given up on Marcus. He had been concocting a plan all along. And, after all, this was because of me. I rose to my feet and salute. "Reporting for duty, sir."

Sir Atticus didn't look at me. "Your orders are to stay here," Sir Atticus said.

It was like being slapped in the face. The bitter expression on Sir Atticus's face was just as surprising as his orders. I needed this chance to redeem myself. I had to help save Marcus. "No," I said. Tears burned my eyes, but I forced them down. This wasn't the time to cry about not getting my way, though tears were more about letting Marcus down. If anyone had to fix this, it was me. I had to think quick on my feet to come up with a reason Sir Atticus needed me. "I could be the bait and lure Meredith out."

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