xi. 💫

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"You're framing me..." He repeated back to me, the words getting stuck in his throat. "You're not- you can't be serious."

"As a heart attack." I confirmed. "It was easy, really. All I had to do was take a piece of your hair and put it into a ski mask, dropping it at the crime scene. You must have dropped it while you were fleeing." I mused.

"Then, I made an anonymous call to the local police station, reporting that my mum's work friend hadn't shown up in a few days and we hadn't heard from him. It was urgent, as you can understand. Told me they'd get right on it, they did.

I told them to check alleyways, as he had some friends in low places and often hung around places like those. Funnily enough, it was an alleyway where your hat was dropped. Quite inconvenient for you, might I add."

With every added word his eyes got darker, light draining from them like water from a tub. I can't say I didn't miss that sight, but I do wish it wasn't from Harry.

"So, Hazza, I'm indeed serious. You'll probably be in prison within twenty-four hours, depending on which alleyway they start with. It was a pretty blatant clue I left. Sorry, no, you left."

"Prison! I could never last in prison!" He exclaimed, shaking his head.

"That's what I was thinking, honestly." He looked at me, panicked. "What? You're far too pretty and frail for prison. You'll belong to someone within a week, maybe less."

"I'd rather die." He spat, anger taking over fear.

"Then I have some good news for you." I said, continuing when he gave me a look. "It's prison, that's always an option." I reasoned.

"I can't believe you'd actually do something like this. You're heartless."

"Not heartless, just using my heart less."

"Whatever. I can't believe I listened to you. I can't believe I believed that you were good or that you liked me. You're just a liar and a murderer. You don't care about anyone but yourself, and deep down you know that."

I said nothing, letting him get his rant out.

"Am I right?"

I sighed. "I'm almost certain you're not, but to be fair, I wasn't listening."

"I hate you."

"Oh, I love it when you flirt, Harold." I smirked, grabbing the water I had brought down. The pill had finally dissolved.


"Over my dead body will I cooperate for you."

"That can be arranged. Now, open your fucking mouth before I add your blood to the stains in this carpet."

He grumbled but obeyed nonetheless, swallowing the water until the glass was empty. I sat it back down and took a look at my watch, the pills should be kicking in in around two or so minutes.

I could tell when they started to kick in because his eyes were starting to droop. I took out my pocketknife, chuckling when he flinched, and used it to cut his ropes. Once he was free I grabbed a cloth, ready to wash the blood from his head where the glass had struck him earlier.

He weakly tried to get up but it was futile, the pills were almost fully kicked in and his body was quickly going pliant. He didn't even try to escape, only glancing between the door and I.

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."

"Maybe you should take it, use it to shut your mouth." He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes, using my strength to lift him up and onto the bed, getting the cloth wet. I ran it gently over the blood that soaked his curls. I made sure not to hit him too hard, so there was no serious damage.

I had just finished cleaning it completely when I heard them.

Sirens in the distance.

Harry must have heard them too because I could hear him sniffle quietly. My heart ached but I pushed it away, this was how it had to be. This was goodbye.

"Alright Haz, show time."

"H-how, how did they find us so quickly?"

"You didn't know? You dropped an address at the crime scene as well, clumsy baby."

I turned to go up the stairs, all my supplies packed and ready to go. I was about to leave when I felt a hand grip my coat, I peered at the hand and then blue met watery green for the last time.

"P-please, don't go." He pleaded, voice fading as he struggled to restrain sobs. "You can't leave me, please."

"Oh, darling."


The sirens got louder. They were getting closer.

It was now or never.

"I'm sorry, Bambi. You were right all along."

He gave me one last pleading look as I closed the door, saying goodbye to what would become a distant memory.

I watched from my place down the road as the doors were busted down. I saw two big police officers escorting what I could only assume to be Harry out. I watched with a sad sort of peace as he was put in the back of the police car, blue and red being the only light to guide everyone's vision, including mine.

I took a deep breath as I turned around, getting back in my vehicle and closing the door. I started the car with one final statement.

"Now I see that I am a criminal; yes, I am a criminal."


End. 🔒

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