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Dressed in a grey suit, wine turtle neck and black leather shoes, Zechariah chuckles to himself as he sights himself in the glass door linking the reception to the interview room. He beams with smiles and grins as he remembers the incident that happened the night before. As soon as he got home with five bag containing three complete suits, six turtlenecks, an office vest and three footwears with a silver chained wristwatch, his sister was all over him shouting and already pairing the clothes together. She even rearranged his wardrobe and color coded all his clothes placing a day tag on all of them; such as- Monday, Tuesday and so on. He had to laugh so much that their mother knocked to question the source of his sudden joy. Surprisingly, they both answered with nothing and she left as soon as she arrived.
The elevator's ding brings him back to the present and he joins the other workers in the organization as they pile up into the elevation. Some of them exchange greetings and chats while no one seems to acknowledge him or maybe they do but stick to minding their business. He doesn't seem to mind this and exits the elevator as soon as he gets to the last floor this time with only two other people who keep staring at him like he has two horns. He goes over to Sheba's office and this time, her secretary let's him in without asking first.
"Good morning." He greets.
"Morning. But then, who resumes work this late for the first time?"
"Excuse me?"
"I'm sure you heard that." She rises up from the swivel chair and goes over to pull the window blinds. She returns to her chair and settles down looking at him questioningly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know I was supposed to resume earlier."
"Well you are. My secretary will be asked to show you to your office now and there's a meeting in the next one hour. So you're expected to settle in your office in the next forty five minutes because as the new assignment manager, you must be present at the meeting room earlier to show your responsibility. And your duties will be explained to you through your secretary and by the way, she's waiting already. Anything you don't understand, you're free to ask me and I hope you're good at your game because those members of the board of directors are sure not smiling." She finishes and dials the table telephone placed just beside the mouse pad on the polished wooden table.
Zechariah nods and takes in the office painted aqua green and surprisingly, there's a midi aquarium encased in a glass pot adjacent the door with just two fishes in it. He continues his survey to notice a wine colored lounge and the visitor space before the door opens to reveal her secretary.
"You called me ma."
"Yes. Please show him to his office."
"Okay ma. Sir?" She calls out to Zechariah and uses her hand to pass the message across. He's to follow her. He gives a bow to the lady on the chair and leaves the room with the elderly woman.

"So, like... How are we to be so sure that you're not going to embezzle our hard earned money because we all have a share in what this company is today. How can we be sure that our account is safe in your hands?" A bald bulky man dressed in green flowing agbada and all grey with white hair asks Zechariah as he is made to stand at the centre of his room.
"I have handled different accounts and finance projects and those I accounted to were not disappointed."
"Well, I'm sure those companies are not as popular as ours is. I don't even know why but I have a feeling that he can be trusted." Another man says, this time with a fair skin and a body that looks like it never leaves the gym.
"Besides, Jacobs himself recommended him didn't he? So if anything happens, he bears the brunt himself." A woman chips in this time and almost immediately, Sheba looks up to Zechariah saying something like, you heard that didn't you? My father's reputation is on the line.
"Well, just as Chief Adeogun said, I feel like he looks trustworthy so that's a yes from me. Not like anyone wants to say no. I mean we all know that we need extra hands since more branches are being opened everyday. It's a good idea."
"Okay then," Ade Jacobs says rising up to his feet. "You may have your seat young man. The job is officially yours." Everyone in the room gives a clapping ovation with Zechariah's the loudest as he beams with smiles.

Another chapter done ooo💕💕. Thanks so much for sticking to the book, this your love ehn💋💋. So, like that like that Zechariah has resumed work. What do you think? I feel like some drama is bound to happen, like I can sense it in my spirit 😉😉.

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Me sef I be international 😂😂😂
Yours in Ink; Bethel ™

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