Day 1 🐾

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Hello! I'm Nyx, I'm 14 years old and I am a therian. I'm writing this story 6 years after finding out I was a therian! Now, let's get into my story. Day 1, 14th of July 2017 9:45am
"Sweet heart! It's the first day of summer holidays!" My mother called. I sprang up and darted towards the door,swiftly eating my breakfast and getting dressed. It was a warm day, no clouds! Everywhere a bee was buzzing or a butterfly fluttering. It was a calm day. I ran around in the soft fields for longer than an hour before something ran across the logs beside me, a fluffy,black and brown animal. It looked like a Norwegian forest cat! It meowed and ran off, I crept after it for a while until it stopped? Then I noticed something, where the heck was I? It seemed like I'd walked straight into a forest without noticing. This cat had led me somewhere that had inspired me! I felt connected to this cat and this cat seemed to be connected to me aswell!

Nyx the Therian And her diary.Where stories live. Discover now