Day 1: part 3 Discovering Theriothropy 🐾🪶

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I then noticed that they weren't feet, or hands. They were paws! Fluffy,brown,white and orangish paws! "What? Why are my hands paws?" I murmured silently. "NYX?!" My mother shouted out.
"SORRY MUM! IM COMING" I shouted back. I tried to ignore it and carry on running. It was hard to ignore but I kept going, I felt like I was a cat! But I know I'm not. "I'm a human, not a cat." I thought to myself. "How would I be a cat anyway?" I laughed in my head. My feet carried my off to the own sound of laughter, soon I was sat at the picnic table eating my food. But I couldn't stop thinking about this cat. This one cat. Why was it so special? Why was it so different from the rest? "Nyx? How come your so silent?" My mother asked. "My apologies mum! I was just thinking."
"Oh! What about dear?"
"This cat. I found a cat earlier and it took me to a forest and I felt attached to it. But a different kind of attachment. I felt like I was that cat before, maybe in a past life?"
"That's strange, maybe it's just your wild imagination!" She laughed.
"Yes. Probably." I murmured, knowing it was more than just that.
Soon enough I'd finished my dinner and was running around in the field. It was 1:27pm and I decided to go inside to my tp tent. I sat on my tablet scrolling through google,safari,Firefox every search engine I could think of to see if there was reasoning behind these strange feeling. All that came up was a weird word. Therianthropy. I read the description over and over again. Revising every word. Soon I knew it word for word and later discovered I felt like that... maybe I was a therian? No. Surely not. I'm human, and I should think like one. It's impossible to be an animal.
Soon after, it was night time again. I was laid in bed thinking about it all night until I finally dozed off. Pictures of that cat,the therianthropy symbol, the meaning,that forest everything keeping me awake.

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