Day 2: Decision Making. 👤

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Morning quickly arose. The sun shot up in an explosion of pink and gold. Only seconds later I felt the soft rays of the morning light shoot through my window. I sat up slowly and looked out. My mum was already out there, sandals,sunglasses and lemonade in hand. I got dressed and ran out, I sat on the warm grass. "Good morning sleepy head!" My mother said chuckling through her lemonade. "How come your awake so late?"
"I don't know, I just had things in my mind I guess!"
I felt strange that day. Not human like. I felt like an animal,just as if I was that cat. Pictures of forests,streams,animals,birds,bees,butterfly's and the hot summer sky darted through my head. I ran about on all fours for a while, until a bad headache came along. Probably from my head bouncing around so much. Humans were ment to walk on two legs. But I wasn't. My mindset was a cats,my feet were paws, my hands were paws. My teeth were sharper then usual, my senses sensed more carefully. I could hear the bees buzzing along each flower petal. And each ant scuttle along the morning leaves. Now, am I a therian? The thoughts wouldn't get out of my head. Was I? Wasn't I? I don't know. "ARG!" I shouted out. My mother looked at my confused, "I'm sorry. I just feel troubled." I blurted out embarrassed. "No worries sweetie! Whats making you troubled?"
"Oh. So. Uhm, you know what I said yesterday?"
I think I'm a therian."
"What's that?"
"A person in which believes they were an animal in there past life, or think they are because or trauma."
"I'm sorry. I know it's not normal."
"Oh no dear! I support you fully! I'm your mother, why wouldn't I support you?!" She smiled.
"Thank you mummy. Thank you so much." I said smiling so hard my mouth hurt.
She supported me? Thank god!

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