Back in New York

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Pearl started to get wet from the rain and she sighed as the rain put the fire out. Has hours went by, it stopped but sadly there was no dry wood for her to use. So she went to explore more. As she was walking around she heard footsteps behind her. She turned FAST as she felt the wind through her hair as she turned, but there was nothing but in the distant she saw that same from the pancake house. She started to walk back slowly then ran! Ran as fast as she could till she got back to the hut then... BANG!!! The man from behind hit her in the head with a coconut and picked her up and walked away...

Pearl opened her eyes to see that she was in a locked room in... New York because there was a poster saying "Welcome to New York you will stay here forever kid". How can this be she wondered. Looking around she saw another girl trapped in the same room sitting in the empty corner. "Hello? Who are you let me go home!" Pearl said looking at the other girl. "Hello, I am sorry there is no way for you to go back home, I am trapped here to. My name is Harley, you have been kidnaped, I am sorry."  The girl in the corner said. Harley got up and walked over to Pearl. "How long have you been here uh Harley?" Pearl asked, "Umm about 3 or 4 months" She said "WHAT!?" "Yeah a long time..." " WE NEED TO LEAVE-" Pearl tried to say but the man walked in.

"Oh it seems you woke up. Harley did you let her know that she will stay her forever?" The man asked, "Y-yes sir I-I did." Harley said kinda scared, "Good good well hello kid I am Mike and if I say something YOU BETTER DO IT OR ELSE YOUR DONE FOR!!" Pearl looked at Harley and Harley gave a her a nod, she nodded back. "Good now stay down here!" Said Mike, he left the room slamming it and then the girls heard a lock and the front door open and close. "So what should we do?" Pearl said looking around still, "Escape, DUH!!" Harley said acting like everyone knew that. "Yes I know that but like how?"

"Hmm maybe we could try to pick the lock of the door?"

"Yeah that could work but like how are we gonna pick the lock with the things in this room, there is nothing in here."

"You may think that but you know what my grandpa taught me?"


"How to pick a lock with daily cloths!" She said jumping up and down, "Oh wow cool but how are you gonna pick a lock with a T-shirt, leggings, and socks?" Pearl said so confused, "Let me show you!" Harley rips a small part of the bottom of the shirt and tied a knot, then with the leggings she ripped a tread off, and same thing with the socks, then somehow she picked the lock. "What!?" Pearl said in shock, "Hehe cmon lets get out of here!" Harley said starting to walk out, Pearl followed...

"I'll find you don't think I am dumb kids..." Mike said looking in the security cams...

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