Fly Away

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As the girls were running down the road, people gave them weird looks. They stopped at a corner of the sidewalk. "I need to catch my breath!"  Harley said breathing deeply, Pearl shook her head fast up and down in agreement.

Mike was driving in the car then parked on the side of the road. He opened his computer  and started to hack... looking at the cams he saw something fishy..."Why is there an emo and girly girl resting in that corner...?" Mike said looking closer to the computer, "Wait a minute..." He zoomed in, clicked some buttons then saw who they really were... "You can't run and you can't hide from me, kids." Mike said. He slammed his computer shut, opened the car door and ran to where they were.

"U-uh Pearl.." Harley said looking down the road, "What?" "RUN!!! ITS MIKE!!" She said jumping up. They ran down to the big part of the city. "I'm coming!" Mike said running faster, "Where do we go!?" Pearl said running, "The airport, RUN TO THE AIRPORT!!" Harley said pointing the way, Mike still follows them. They run through the doors and hide behind some suitcases. Mike ran right past them. "Um hi miss." Pearl said looking at a lady, "Hello." She said, "Well where are you ladies going?" "Hawaii!" "Oh perfect do you guys have tickets?" She asked them, "No miss we do not..." Harley said looking down, "Perfect!" the lady said with joy, "Huh?" "My son was coming but he had a football game so he can't come so you guys can have the extra tickets I have 2 I am also going to Hawaii!" The lady said handing them the tickets, "Oh my thank you, thank you miss!" They said with great joy, "No problem the flight leaves in 2 hours. Security is that way, have a great day!" She said walking away.

"Well now to security!" They started to walk over to security, checking for signs of Mike, but he was nowhere. "Tickets." The man said, he was a really buff man and a little scary, "Oh right here you go." Harley said handing the tickets over, "Thank you, any bags?" "Just this backpack!" Harley said putting it down, "Ok go through the scanner and then grab your bag." He pointed to the scan. They walked through, got their bags and ticket, and started to walk.

On the other hand, Mike knew where they were he was in the gift shop changing to hide then get them.

Pearl heard her and Harleys tummy growl, "I am hungry!!!" Pearl said starting to drag her feet, "Me too. Let's go to the burger bar and get something to eat!" Harley said going up to an electronic map, "Hmm food food food, AH HA!" She clicked on the food in the airport, "Ok now it's time to find a burger bar. Boom! It is this way!" She pointed to section D, where the burger bar is. They started to walk to the burger bar getting even more hungry. They sat down at a table, "Greetings girls I'll be your server, what may I get you?" A lady said walking up to the table, "I will have um Pepsi and a cheese burger please." Harley said looking at the menu, "Ok and for you?" The lady said looking at Pearl, "Um water and uh a double burger please." Pearl said still looking at the menu, acting like it was a book, "Ok let me go get that for you!" She said walking to the kitchen. 

"Man I hope this does not take for ever because well I'm really hungry, you are to, and our flight leaves in a little less than 2 hours and we need to get other things for the plane!" Pearl said,

"Well we have time!" Harley answered

"No we don't!"

"Huh yeah we do we have a lot of time!"

"No because well if me and you both live in that little island of Hawaii then-"

Harley stopped her, "How do you know I live on a small island of Hawaii?"

"A total guess, now do you?"

"Yes but I live on an island in Hawaii but do you know what island?"

"Niihau? Cause that's where I live."

"Omg same!"

"Ok now we know what island we both live on, but when we land in Hawaii, there is no direct flight to Niihau, we would have to take a plane to Maui, then go on a boat to Niihau." Pearl said moving her hands live a boat, "But why do we need to go to the gift shop?" Harley asked, "Because we don't have clothes with us besides the clothes we are wearing, so at the gift shop we can get more clothes and some gifts to take home!" Pearl answered.

"Ok fair." Harley said

"Alright ladies here is your food!" The lady said coming in with a big tray of food, "Thank you! I'm so hungry!" Harley said looking at the plates, "Have a good one! When you are done come and pay at the front, thank you!" The lady said walking back to the kitchen. "This is really good!" Pearl said eating her burger. "Mhm this is really good!" Harley said liking the grease from the burger off her fingers.

Once they finished, they started to panic, they did not have any money, "We need to find some money!" Harley said looking around, "There!" Pearl said pointing to an empty table with money, there was a note by the money it said, "If you need money take a little."

They took the money and went to pay, once they did they started to walk to the gift shop, they bought clothes, toothpaste and a toothbrush's , and a hairbrush. They checked out then went to there gate they sat down waiting to go on their plane, but Pearl saw something... Mike, Mike was starting at them dead eye, "Uh oh... Harley we need to go..." Pearl said shaking Harley, "Why?" "Mike..." "Uh oh-" An announcement stopped her, "Everyone going to Hawaii, flight 2, please board now." They got up, Mike started to run to them, they ran in, pushing people aside, "Sorry sorry move please!" Harley said running to the front, "Ticket-" The man said put they handed him the ticket.

They ran in, Mike came after them, the hurry and sat down, Mike did not see them, "SIR YOU NEED TO SIT!!" A lady said running up to him, Mike went to the front of the plane and sat down, Harley and Pearl were sitting in the back. "Wow a tv!" Harley said talking quiet, she pointed to the chair, it did have a tv.

"Alright sit down, seatbelts on, and we are gonna take off!" The captain said. They out there seatbelts on and the plane took off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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