01. love of those around us

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─𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗘 jerked awake at the sound of cupboards being slammed only five feet away from her awkwardly angled body on the miller households couch.

twisting around to inspect the source of the noise, anne watched quietly as sarah miller shuffled around the kitchen.

'what are you up to, goofball?' she hummed, huffing slightly as she slid off the couch, joints protesting from the night spent at a strange angle.

sarah glanced up, beaming once she realised the woman was awake.

'i wanted to make dad pancakes, but theirs no pancake mix.'

anne traipsed into the kitchen, hip bumping sarah out the way to inspect the deserted contents of the millers cupboard.

'i swear that man doesn't understand the concept of groceries.' she muttered under her breath before turning to sarah, 'scrambled eggs it is, goof.'

at that moment, the telltale creak of the stairs alerted anne to the new presence of joel miller, her longtime childhood friend.

the man glanced up at her and sighed slightly, faking annoyance that was given away by the slight twitch of his lips.

'you know, you should just move in considering how often you crash on the couch.'

anne rolled her eyes, sidling up to the man with a grin. 'your attitude towards me is awful, where's the love?'

'well i won't hold offence considering you're the birthday boy and- oh god what's that?' she cries suddenly, crowding close into joels space.

his eyebrows draw together in concern, 'what?'

'this!' she cries, hand darting foward and yanking a strand of hair from his head. 'oh god, it's what i thought; a grey hair!'

joel huffs, shoving her hand away with a slight chuckle. she continues to chatter away even as he herds her towards the small table where sarah had lay out three plates of scrambled eggs.

'you laugh joel, but male pattern baldness is a real issue. one day it's a single grey hair and next thing you can check your reflection in that shiny scalp if yours!'

sarah miller watches their interaction with amusement, warmth growing in her heart as she watched her father and the woman who was her mother in everything but blood so obviously flirt.

'oh god, just get married already.' she quips.

both adults freeze, turning to look at her. joel opens his mouth but is cut off by the stomping of his brothers boots as tommy miller enters the room.

'time to go!' joel announces, moving to pick up his stuff.

anne stands quickly, manouvering sarah around just as fast, attempting to get the girl to remember all her school stuff.

the four head out the door and down the worn down path, anne turns to pull tommy in for a hug and kiss sarah on the head, saying her goodbyes.

anne cuts away from the trio, heading to her beat up car instead.


she turns, spotting joel speedwalking towards her. over his shoulder she could see tommy lighting a cigarette in their truck whilst sarah fusses with all her school equipment.

'you coming over to celebrate tonight?'

she smiles softly, 'obviously, i'll be there by five'

his answering grin makes her heart speed up slightly, anne turns away quickly to hide her flustered expression and instead quickly slides into her car, turning the key multiple times to jumpstart her spluttering car before pulling off the pavement and driving down the street.



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─𝗦𝗛𝗘 𝗛𝗔𝗗 always thought joel miller was beautiful, even years ago when they were in their awkward teenage phases and long before that when they were two kids messing around on a swing set.

but sat there, the young girl she loved as her own splayed across both their laps with the television screen illuminating his face as he intently watched the film, anne moore felt breathless as she looked at him.

'you're staring' the man grumbles, eyes flickering to glance at her.

'not my fault you make 36 look so damn good.' she blurts out suddenly.

'you're to blame if my ego gets to be too big.'

anne smiles, opening her mouth to say another retort but joel beat her to it.

'you've always been beautiful.'

in that moment, anne swears her heart actually stopped beating for a few seconds. staring into his eyes that were boring into her, alight with something so all consuming she thought it might kill her.

his hand grabs hers, clearing his throat. she grins, seeing his nervousness allows her to relax slightly. 'anne i-'

a sharp ringing cuts him off. joel grumbles angrily, digging around in his pocket to flip open his phone. whilst joel whispers to tommy on the other side, anne focuses on gently smoothing the blanket tossed over sarah.

'i gotta go get tommy, he's in fucking jail.'

anne eyes joel, who is shifting to stand up carefully moving sarah off his lap. she copies his actions, walking towards where he gathered his coat and shoes.

'mind dropping me off home?'

joel nods, opening the door and allowing her to slide out first. she pauses just outside, turning to face the mans back as he locks the door.

joel turns around before startling upon realising she was stood so close.


she darts forward, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. as she drops back to her feet, she feels like dying of embarrassment after just kissing joel like a teenager with a first crush.

'happy birthday.'

joel grabs her wrist lightly, smirking down at her. 'when tommy is out of jail, we are so talking about that kiss.'

anne nods before slipping away from him and clambering into his truck to let him drive her home.

the drive itself was silent, the two sharing silent glances every once in a while before finally arriving at annes home.

'see you tommorow?' anne asks.

'see you tommorow.'

she smiles, swinging open the door and padding along the dirt of the garden where she lived with her mother, sister and brother.

just as she is about to dissapear inside her home, she turns to wave at joel who had been watching her the whole time, warmth spreading throughout her whole body when he waves back with a fond smile.

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