Chapter 3

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"So that's the reason why she's always by herself. After the rumor of her being a witch got out, everyone avoided her like a plaque!" Onoja said while making the sign of the cross.

They were filling me in on the latest gists in the school as we walked to the dining hall. Apparently, there was a girl in SS2 who was accused by her roommates of practicing witchcraft. Their reason was because they had several dreams at night about her being in a dark coven and calling their names. The last straw was when she woke up in the middle of the night shouting and they found her floating on air. No one knows if it was actually true or made up, but nobody wanted to take the chance of finding out.

The dining hall was packed by the time we got there. I walked closely behind my new friends to avoid talking to anyone else. People were staring at me and whispering, no doubt gossiping about me.

"This is Amarachi, our new roomie" Stella said, introducing me to a group of girls we just joined.

"Ah I like your hair o, you be halfcast?" One of the girls said pulling my hair.

I cringed and moved her hand away.

"My mom is mixed"

"Ohh no wonder. Don't mind Dorcas, I'm Priscilla. Welcome to Trinity". She was on the fatter side and really tall. She pulled the girl that asked about my hair and gave her a mock knock.

The rest of the girls introduced themselves and we all went to get something to eat. I looked at the food available, ugh beans. Thankfully we also had rice on the menu and I picked that instead.

"I need to use the bathroom" I turned to Onoja after finishing my meal. It wasn't really nice but I was famished.

"When you come out of the dining hall, walk down the corridor by your left. It's the fourth door. It has the toilet sign at the top" she said, in between bites of her bread.
"Or I can walk you there when I'm done eating"

"No I can manage. I'm really pressed and I don't think I can wait".

I excused myself from the table and followed her directions. I got to the toilet in few mins and it was really easy to locate. I pulled open the door and saw a girl sitting by the vanity by herself.

"Hi" I said quickly while rushing to use the toilet without waiting for her response. I did my business and got out to wash my hands. She was still sitting there reading a book.


"Did you miss dinner time? You can still make it if you go now. Everyone's still eating" I tried to get her attention. Maybe she was so engrossed in the book that time flew by her and she didn't notice.

"Huh? You must be new" She said, looking up from her book.

"Yes. I resumed today. I'm Amarachi." I finally met one person in the whole school who didn't know me. Hurray!

"No wonder. I'm Destiny." She closed up her book and came down from the vanity.
"I know it's dinner time, but I prefer to get my meal when everyone is gone."

"Won't the food be gone by then?"

"The woman that serves the food always saves me some. It's the norm here." She said with a sad smile.

While we were talking, some girls walked into the toilet, saw me talking to her and rushed back out.

"What was that about?" I asked confused.

She stared at the floor silently for you a while before looking back at me and shaking her head.
"Well you see..."

The door burst open and Onoja stomped in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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