3 - Recruitment (part 1)

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Koichi Hirose returns to Italy, and after reaching the airport goes over some heavy deja vu. He lands, gets a taxi, and has his luggage stolen. After catching the thief, he confronts him and finds out that once again the thief is a member of Passione, and he demands to speak to one of the higher ups as he is on urgent business. Of course, the thief does not give up the information, so Koichi uses his stand Echos to make him unable to move, then he goes on a hunt for Giorno.

After finding the restaurant that Giorno, Bruno, and the others always hung out at, he finds one Mista, eating pasta and reminiscing. Without knowing who he is, Koichi sits down, orders some food, and asks the waitress for help.

"Do you know where I can find some members of Passione? I need to speak to their boss on an urgent matter" Koichi asks, in an almost defeated tone. After hearing this, Mista perks up, and walks over to Koichi gingerly.

"You just found one, now what do you want with the boss?" Mista replies, in a serious and threading way.

"I need to speak with Gior-" Koichi starts


"Oh, sorry," Koichi replied in an apologetic tone, "It's just he may remember me, and my friend Jotaro Kujo needs his help."

"... Well, you know his name, so I assume you two have at least met before. Wait here and I'll give him a ring." Mista says, before walking over to a pay phone and dealing in some numbers.

"Boss, I'm sorry to call but this kid says he knows you and needs your help. Mhm, that's what I told him. Right right, his name is... hold on." Mista says quietly. "Oi kid! What's your name?" He yells across the restaurant.

"Koichi Hirose! He stole my luggage about a year ago then we fought some guy who had an ability with shadows!" Koichi yells back in reply.

"Kids name is Koichi Hirose, sounds Japanese, says you stole his luggage then you two fought some shadow guy. I think he might be a stand user..." Mista says into the phone, whispering the last part.

"Oh? You do know him? Huh, okay, I'll bring him to you. Yeah. Mhm. Of course. Yes I'll be careful. Okay, see you soon." Mista hangs up the phone and walks back to Koichi.

"Come on kid, lets go meet the boss. By the way, names Mista. And judging by what you told me, you're a stand user too. Nice to meet you I guess." Mista says in a awkward tone.

"Oh, alright lets go. Nice to meet you too. And yes, I am a stand user." Koichi replies cheerfully. They both pay for their meals and head off to meet Giorno.

A short taxi ride later, and they are at the Passione headquarters. After a few security checkpoints, they reach the main room, where Giorno is awaiting. Large wooden doors fly open, and there he is, sitting on a throne staring right at them.

"Koichi, long time no see" Giorno says, in an expecting but cautious tone, implying that Koichi should be careful in his demeanour. "It's a pleasure to see you again my friend."

"I wish I could say the same, and if it weren't for the situation at hand it truly would be, but I'm afraid I'll have to avoid beating around the bush and get right to the point..." Koichi replied, ignoring the fact that he blatantly ignored a proper and formal greeting. Koichi proceeds to inform Giorno of the situation at hand, and Giorno sits and listens, clearly paying attention to every detail.

"I see..." Giorno says after a long pause once Koichi had finished. "That is quite serious. And you say he could wipe out everyone, stand or no stand, if we don't act?"

"That's correct." Koichi replied, anxiety clearly filling his mind and throat.

"Then, what are we waiting for. Let's get going, we don't have long to form a plan. "Giorno says, while signalling a maid to his side. "Get Polnareff and Trish for me, and tell Fugo he is in charge until we return."

"Who is Polnareff and Trish?" Koichi asks concerningly.

"Some friends who will be great help." Mista replies bluntly. After a five minute wait that felt like five hours, the maid return with a woman with pink hair and a turtle.

"Koichi, meet Polnareff, he is the turtle. Well, his ghost is inside the turtle, and the turtle has a stand called Mr. President, its a room inside the key in his shell. And the pink haired woman is Trish, another stand user." Mista says upon seeing the two.

"Oh. Not what I was expecting... but nice to meet you two. I'm Koichi" Koichi says, confused but in a happy tone.

"Nice to meet you too," a voice from inside the turtle replies, "I hear you've helped out my friend Jotaro in the past and that's who also sent you, is that correct?"

"Yeah that's correct. You know Jotaro? How?" Koichi replies in an unexpected manner.

"We defeated a great evil called DIO ourselves together. We called our group the Stardust Crusaders. I do miss those times..." Polnareff answers, reminiscent of his times with Jotaro, Joesph, Avdol, Kakyoin, even Iggy.

"Enough of the sad talk, lets get going. Isn't time our enemy here?" The pink haired one called Trish says.

"Well technically, our enemy is Kars, but yes, time as well. Lets move." Mista says.

They all leave the building, a sense of danger, suspense, anxiety, and determination fill the air as they do. They all hope that they still have time, but deep down they had a sinking feeling. A feeling that was true. That Kars was free, and that he was feeding. And that some way, somehow, he found himself a mysterious arrow...

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