4 - Awakening (part 1)

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Giorno, Koichi, and the others all had a terrible feeling. A feeling deep within their subconscious that they could only pray is a falsehood. This terrible feeling is Kars. He has awoken, and he has gotten busy.

While Koichi was recruiting the members of Passione for their help, Kars had awoken. As the cracks in the meteor had grown more severe, the Speedwagon Foundation had take the petrified Kars to a their main headquarters, and deep underground, where they concentrated ultra violet light onto him at all times. Unbeknownst to them, however, Kars had conquered the sun and unalterable violet light some 64 years ago, and this attempt to keep him subdued was entirely futile.

As time crept on, the cracks containing Kars only got bigger, wider, longer. And on one cold night, February 12th, at 1:23am, Kars finally awoke. A chill filled the air. The second his eyes shot open, everyone all across the globe had a sinking feeling. A feeling of true terror. As if some great eldritch horror had awoken, and set its sight on planet Earth. And that is precisely what has happened. Kars instantly burst out of his cage with such speed that pieces broke off and shot everywhere as if a grenade had just exploded. He stood up, towering over every member of the Speedwagon Foundation that was set to keep watch over him.

"You know, I only stayed in that cage for so long because I wanted a full moon. Call it poetic if you'd like, but it helps while creating new minions." Kars said, his voice loud and booming, filling the room with such speed and volume it was all but deafening. Without any more hesitation, he sprung into action, slaughtering all the humans there at such speeds it was over within the blink of an eye. Then he went up, sprouting his wings and crashing through the ceiling into the next level, continuing his feeding frenzy, before coming across the last human in the site left. 

"You. You will be my messenger. Go, tell your pathetic so called 'heros' that I, Kars, the ultimate being has returned! Submit now, or perish." Kars said, licking his lips after the last word as if he was famished, and this small scientist was the perfect meal. Kars leaned in close to the scientists face, leaving only an inch of space between them. "Boo!" He said, quietly, but still loud enough to fill the man with such fear he screamed and ran away.

I need to find that bastard JoJo, he must suffer for causing me to be locked away for so long. But first, I need more minions. I can't risk the same thing happening twice. Kars thought to himself. But first, he felt some strange pull. As if there was a string attached to his mind, and it was being tugged at. Curious, Kars sprouted his wings and flew towards it, crashing through all doors and walls and ceilings so he can cut that string as soon as possible. It was long before he found the origin of the string. A short, gold looking arrow. Intricately designed with a sharpened edge all around.

"Grab it" a strange, ethereal voice said to Kars. 

"Who's there!" He yelled, confused, ready for a fight Kars knows he will win. But the voice was gone, though the sound resonates throughout his mind. After some careful calculations, Kars grabs the arrow. There's silence, and then, as if something else was controlling his actions, Kars takes the arrow in his right hand, and slowly moves it up. Kars battles for the control of his own hand, but whatever was influencing his actions was much stronger than he, and then without warning, Kars hand and the arrow with it is plunged into his chest. Then Kars has control once again. What was that? Where did the arrow go? Kars thought. That didnt hurt, but what the hell just happened? 

The arrow had disappeared, and Kars, confused and unsure, decides to ignore it, and continues on his mission for new minions. New zombies.

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