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𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐢 ♕︎♕︎

I walk into school rubbing my eyes, I really shouldn't have stayed up with Zahara watching P Valley

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I walk into school rubbing my eyes, I really shouldn't have stayed up with Zahara watching P Valley.

I've been calling London nonstop and she hasn't answered any of my text messages. My gut is telling me something happened. I had got Zahara to come and get me and drop me off for school.

I needed that coffee this morning and from Starbucks especially. I was looking forward to it.

I head to my locker, I open it tossing my bookbag in it, and grab my water bottle and notebook for my first and second periods.

I sigh and head to my English class. Today will be a long day and then I have to deal with Korbin this afternoon.

I walk into my English class and head to my usual seat. London would usually be in class this early but she's not in here.

I look at my phone to see if she responded to any of the text messages and see nothing.

I sigh and look up from my phone to see some students coming to class. Including Korbin and his friends who head to the back of the classroom. Mrs.Greene walks into the classroom and grabs a remote.

"Looks like we're going to be watching a documentary today in class. I left all the work that we were supposed to be doing in class today at home, so everyone take out some paper and get ready to take notes on this documentary." She says.

"This grade will be for extra credit but it will only count if it is written neatly, has no grammar problems, and has main information focusing on the documentary." She continues and dims the lights in the classroom. She turns the TV on and sits down behind her desk.

Is she going to take a nap? Come on now!!

I wish I was her. I grab my piece of paper and begin heading my paper.

"Have you talked to Nicole?" I hear someone whisper in the classroom.

I have excellent hearing and doesn't help that the class is completely quiet so whoever is talking I'm pretty sure if Mrs.Greene wasn't napping now they would have been caught.

"Yeah I talked to her and she said she and London previously got into an altercation it wasn't physical but mean words were exchanged and London said something about her mother." someone else says

London? Are they talking about my friend London?

"They should just apologize to each other, or they should just fight if it is that serious. Yesterday was crazy, the girl looked like she was finna piss her pants or cry." they continued.

Something happened yesterday to London to not make her want to come to school today. I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Cause nah.

I go back to focusing on the documentary and jot notes down.

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