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𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐢 ♕︎♕︎

I walked into the school dreading going to English class because I had overheard there was going to be a partner assignment

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I walked into the school dreading going to English class because I had overheard there was going to be a partner assignment.

If luck was on my side, I'd be partnered up with London and not some random.

"Hey, girl." London screeched as she pulled me to the classroom.

I was hoping to linger in the hallway, but I guess she wanted to get seats early. As soon as we walked in to sit down, damn near the whole class had the same idea.

Mrs. Greene walked into the classroom holding a couple of books as she sat them down on her desk messily.

"Hello everyone as you've probably heard from some of your peers there is going to be a project, I'll go more in-depth towards the end of class."

"But as you can see on your desks there is a file folder containing your partner's name and also the expectations and rubric of the project." She speaks.

I stared at the folder, scared of the contents inside.

Positivity only, the worst thing that could happen is that I'm partnered with Korbin.

I felt as if I was being stared at, I turn my head and it was Korbin staring at me with the biggest mug on his face.

I returned the look because nigga who do you think you are staring at me as if I did something to you.

"I hope we're partners," London says with a smile but it dropped quickly when she looked in the folder.

I looked at the folder before finally getting it over with and snatching the folder open.

Are you serious? No wonder why he was mugging me like it's my fault that we're partnered together.

I'm not exactly sure how long this project will be, but I hope it's short and sweet.

"I hope you guys can get along with your partners. Now I will explain what you will be doing, and it's pretty simple. Since it's only the beginning of the year, I will task you with something simple." She says as she passes out papers with an outline to each row.

"It sucks we're not partners," London whispers covering the side of her face with her hand.

The girl in front of me, Chelsea I believe passes me the outline. I glance at the paper as she continues going over the assignment.

"When doing this assignment, I don't want you to focus on your partner's physical attributes focus on the inside because without looks all that really doesn't matter. Now you can either do an essay or you do a poem. You get extra points for being creative and your due date is within 2 months' time. This is worth 50 percent of your class grade." She speaks.

You hear moans and groans throughout the classroom. Some students like the idea of this and others don't. I am the others and it's only because I didn't get to choose who I wanted to be partnered with.

𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now