Chapter 20: Family Plan!!

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In one of the City in Japan, There is a Hou- no, There is a Mansion. Inside of that Mansion, We see a Family eating together.

Veldora : 'sigh, Finally the test is Over. I already checked all of the Papers of my Students and the School decided to give the Students and Teachers a SEM Break.' He thought while eating without knowing that he is the ONLY Teacher who will have a Break.

The reason? Because their Principal, Which is Woman, Favors Veldora a lot! And If a Woman favors a Man only mean one thing, right?

Velgrynd : 'sigh, I have nothing to do, And the Movie i plan to watch got Cancelled! ugh This really pissed me off.' She thought while Eating.

Velzard : 'This is probably the Worst day i ever have. I mean my Favorite meal got sold out before i even Order! Like, The hell? How come the Food got sold out? There is not many who buy that Food! After all, That food is only available to the Teacher and Most of the Teachers like steak!! So, How!?' She thought grumpy that she didn't get to eat her Favorite Food.

Veldanava : 'My Subordinates said that i should take a Break, even Michael agreed that i should take one but... I don't know how to spend my Free Time!! That's the reason why i never take a Break!! The only thing that i can think of is to just lie down on bed and re-read some Manga!' He thought and  deciding if he should take a break or not.

Ciel : << 'Sigh, I'm bored. Should i ask Rimuru if we can do it again? Even though we just did it Last night? sigh, This is really troublesome day.' >> She thought while eating.

Meanwhile, Rimuru is looking at his Family, Amuse that all of them have different expression on their Faces. Veldora and Veldanava is Bored, Velgrynd and Velzard is Angry/Annoyed and Ciel is also bored but with a hint of.... Lust? He decided to ignore Ciel for his own good.

Rimuru : "You all look trouble, What happened?" He ask with gentle tone.

Veldora : "Well, The school give all of the Students and Teachers a SEM Break. So i have nothing to do." He said and sigh at displeasure.

Veldanava : "The same goes for me. My Subordinates ask me to Take a break but i don't know what to do except to re-read my Manga. "

Velgrynd : "For me, The Movie i plan to watch got Cancel! Like, Who does that!? They said that they will air that Movie now but Ugh!"

Velzard : "Well, My favorite food got sold out before i even got order. I mean, That food is only available to Teachers and most of my Colleagues like steak. So, How come it got sold out!?"

Ciel : << Well for me, Nothing happen i'm just bored. >> She said. She look at Rimuru and Lick her lips which didn't go unnoticed by Rimuru. She already decided on what to do to cure her Boredom.

Rimuru : 'Ciel is planning something.' He thought getting nervous on what Ciel is Planning. He cough to hide his nervousness and said. "ahem It's seems like all of you are bored. So, How about we go to the Beach?"

Veldora : "That's a good idea. When was the Last Time we go to the beach anyway?"

Veldanava : "Hm? Well as far as i Remember, It's been 5 years since we go to the Beach."

Velzard : "Well, As Veldora said it's good idea. When are we gonna leave?"

Velgrynd : "Hm, So i can Free all of my Schedule."

Ciel : << Oh my. >> She said in surprise tone. She plan to seduce Rimuru so they can do it again but she didn't expect Rimuru to see right through her Plan and was able to Counter it with just a Second of Thinking. << 'To think you will be able to see right through my Plan and was able to counter it within a second. Impressive. Now that all of them Agreed that they will go to the Beach, I have no Choice but to agree as well. Because if i Refuse, What reason do i Give them? That i want to have a Sex with Dear? Fufufu, You win this time, Dear.' >> Ciel thought and Laugh quietly.

Rimuru look at Ciel to see her Laughing quietly. He is confuse of course, I mean, Why is she Laughing!? Did something funny happen!? Rimuru's Mind is going through Hundreds of Thousand of Possibilities of What Ciel is Planning and how to Counter them without knowing that he already counter her 'Plan'.

So, He already plan on what to do. He decided that the Children will decide when the will Leave! So not only He can see what Ciel is Planning, He can also know if his Children is Comfortable in this Beach Plan. Little did he know, That this 'Plan' will make Ciel to continue on what she is about to do.

Rimuru : 'Why do i feel like this is Bad idea?' He thought getting a bad feeling on what he is about to do. "Well, To answer your question Velzard, When do all of you want to Leave? Because if i'm the One who will decide, We will leave now."

Veldora : "I'm fine with that. Leaving now, I mean."

Velgrynd : "The same goes for me."

Veldanava : "Can we leave on Saturday? "

Rimuru : "Hm? Can i ask, Why?"

Veldanava : "Well, I'm just..... too Lazy to do anything right now." He said while scratching his Cheeks.

Velzard : "So, You are bored doing nothing at the same time you are lazy to do Anything?" She said while her Eyes is twitching.

Veldanava : "I-i'm sorry, okay!? That's just how i feel!"

Rimuru : "So, When do we leave?"

Velzard : "Saturday." She said and drink her Tea.

Veldanava : "Wha-!? But the why did you argue with me!?"

Velzard : "Unlike you, Brother, I have something to do."

Veldanava : "What is it, then?" He said and crossed his Arms.

Velzard : "Simple, To sleep." She said nonchantly

Veldanava : "This Afternoon? That's every lazy person like to do!"

Velzard : "Wha-!? I'm not Lazy!!" She said while losing her Composure. 'Me? Being told Lazy? Unforgivable!!' She thought angrily.

Veldora : "But Sister Velzard, That's really a thing that Lazy people like to do. Sleeping in the Afternoon, I mean." He said while getting scared. 'Wait, What if i offend her!? I need to apologize, Immediately!!' "O-of course, T-that's only my O-opinion so you can take it as a grain of salt."

Velzard : "But i like sleeping!!" She said and glare at Veldora and ignore his last statement.

Velgrynd : "Fufufu, Really, What a Lazy person you are, Sister." She said teasingly.

Rimuru : "Okay, We have two Votes for Saturday. What about you three?" He said and look at the remaining three.

Velgrynd : "Fufufu, Saturday too. Because i like S-L-E-E-P-I-N-G." She said and look at Velzard to see her with an angry Face.

Velzard : 'Grrr. You will pay for this.'

Veldora : "I'm fine whenever we go." He said nonchantly and eat his Food.

Ciel : << The same as Veldora. >>
<< 'Hm? Did Dear not know my Plan? He is able to counter my Plan without knowing it? I guess this is my Lucky day. Not only Me and my Family will have a Beach Vacation, I will be able to do it again with Rimuru, Fufufu.' >>

Rimuru : 'I really have a Feeling that, my idea of letting them choose when to Leave, is Bad idea.'

Oh, Little did you know, Rimuru. Little did you know.

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