Chapter 48: Haroa

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5.5 Billion Years Ago~

I knocked on Calora's door, putting my long, light brown hair behind my ears. I put my hands behind my back and rocked back and forth on my heels. I was excited to see her. We had been together for a long time.

The door opened and I smiled widely. I saw Calora standing there with a smile. She had pale skin, thin eyebrows and long and curly, bright orange hair. She had freckles covering her body. She let me in the room and closed the door behind us.

I sat on the foot of her bed as she walked over to me. "What have you been up to?" I tilted my head as I spoke to her.

She sat next to me and grabbed my hand. "Nothing, really. Mostly, I've been watching the humans on Epimora's planet. They're so interesting.

I leaned my face closer to her's. "Really? More interesting than me?"

She shook her head and giggled. "No. Of course not."

I leaned in and kissed her quickly. Then I leaned back and looked forward toward the holographic planet. "I want to make a planet of my own."

I looked at her, surprised. But then I smiled wider and got excited. "OOOH! We could do it together!"

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah! And we could go down to the planet and read the books that they made about us."

I giggled and sighed. "It would be great. Our world."

1 Billion Years later~

I hated having a planet without her. Calora was my love. After she had been killed, I promised myself to do absolutely anything to avenge her death. Even if it meant my own. But even though I got my revenge, I don't feel any better. I still want to die.

I still wait for her to come back, and I ask Juda every day when she's coming back. But not even he has felt any sign of it. Then again, after Oden and Sarah had attacked, he had gotten badly injured and is now a lot weaker than before. I feel so lonely without her. I would do anything to get her back.

But even though Juda doesn't feel Calora coming back, he's started to notice Sarah's presence. But thankfully not Oden's. Oden was always horrible after he fell for Epimora. And Epimora made it worse with how honest she was.

And one time, I remember Oden freaking out because he walked in on Epimora when she was shapeshifting into making herself look like a human. She made herself have eyes. The eyes of a bodyguard.

Oden was afraid that he would lose her. But in reality, he never actually had her. And every time that he would attempt to pull her closer, she would just get further away. Nothing that he was doing actually worked.

I admit that the reality of it all is very sad, but then I remember the pain that Epimora felt. I compared her love for Elliott to my love for Calora. I know what she went through. I couldn't imagine going through it again.

As I laid on my bed, thinking about everything, I felt the pain and anger rise. The next time I see Oden, I'm making him suffer like I did. I will find the thing he loves the most and destroy it before his eyes. Much like he did with me.

I can still see Calora dying in front of me. I remember seeing her skin slowly peel off as I held her in my arms. Tears fell down her cheeks but she couldn't scream because Oden had ripped that option away from her.

I held her as I tried to reverse the effect but I couldn't because Oden's power was more powerful than mine because it was mixed with Epimora's and Nollia's.

I wiped the tears away from my cheeks and tried to think of something else. But the pain was just too severe.

But it seemed like I got my wish of wanting to think of something else because Juda called for me telepathically, like always. I got up and walked out of the room and to the throne room. It was majestic, as always. I kneeled before Juda and listened for what he had to tell me. "Haroa. Stand up, my child."

I obeyed him and stood up, looking up at him now. His condition looked a lot worse. The smoke that formed his face was a lot thinner. I listened impatiently for the news he had to tell me. "I have sensed something."

My muscles tightened in surprise and my eyebrows lifted. He sensed something. Someone. What if it was Oden? What if he had come back? What if she could get the revenge that she had wanted for so long? What if. What if. I could think of what-if scenarios for so long. But what really matters is who it really is.

Then I remembered that it didn't only have to be Oden or Sarah. There were 15 possibilities. I was the only god left, so it could be Oden, or any of my sisters. I hoped so much that it was my Calora. I wanted to see her again. I wanted to kiss her again, to hold her again. I wanted her back.

If I had her back, I would let go of all of my hate. I would be willing to give anyone just to hear who it was.

I looked at Juda with hope. "Who is it, Father?"

Juda looked back at me. I couldn't read his face due to the smoke being his only features. I thought of the words. Calora. Calora. Calora. It had to be Calora. I had been thinking of Calora all these years, and when you think about the god all the time, it gives them more of a chance to come back.

I held my hands to my heart and closed my eyes as I listened for Juda's next words. I wanted it to be Calora so bad that it hurt. I want to be with her again! But as my father told me who it was. I immediately realized something. I hadn't been thinking of Calora this whole time. I had been thinking of the two people that were responsible for her death. And the one coming back was Sarah.

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