2:10 This Is Why We Don't Entrust Plans To Muppet Babies

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This Is Why We Don't Entrust Plans To Muppet Babies
Part 3

This Is Why We Don't Entrust Plans To Muppet BabiesPart 3————

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You and Lizzie smirked as she said that. All of you came to a stop when Landon and Wade turned around. "Hey! Focus." Landon basically ordered the three of you. "It's gaining strength by the minute. Once it's strong enough to manifest itself on a, um, non-fairy plane." Landon trailed off towards the end, pointing at Wade. "Anyway, we have to figure out a way to stop it." Landon quickly summarised.

Lizzie was now stifling laughter. "It is so much less impressive when you give the hero speeches." Landon's den Wade stared at Lizzie, Landon looking done with her combatís. "That was all me." She happily stated.

You pinched the bridge of your nose as Lizzie said that. "Okay, what's the plan?" You questioned, looking back up. Wade and Landon didn't say anything, meaning that the did not in fact have a plan to take this monster out.


You were all in the library searching for a way to stop this new monster. "Okay. The Qareen does have an Achilles' heel. Uh, it's weak to myrrh, Sinbad's scimitar, and fairies." Wade explains, proudly saying fairies with a smile.

Both you and Hope were at a bookshelf looking for books on the Qareen. Once hearing that, you and Hope rolled your eyes. "Don't even think about it." Hope commented.

Wade turned around to look at Hope. "Why don't you believe me?" He questions sadly.

You turned around and shut the book you were reading to see Wade. "Can you fly or shoot fairy dust or make others gleeful?" Hope questioned, annoyance laced in her voice.

You'd decided to cut in, watching Wade turn back around to face Landon. "No, because you're doing the exact same thing that Landon is doing while he trains with me; trying to fit in. It's honestly delusional." You harshly said, under the effect of the monster without realising. Once you did, your eyes lit up and so did Hopes as you both realise what you had done.

Hope then turned around, you glanced back at her. "We sh-shouldn't have said that." Hope commented, her voice sincere.

"You do know the reason I'm training is to help you guys with this stuff?" Landon stated, looking between you and Hope.

Hope locked eyes with Landon. "If I need someone to die a lot, or be picked on, I know who to call." Hope pointed at Landon first then Wade, moving forward. A smile formed on her face as the monster effect took place again.

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