A Day in the Outdoors

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It was a sunny day in Dreamland. Birds were chirping, the Waddle Dees were gathering apples, and everyone was doing their own thing. Somewhere in the valley Taranza was resting in the shade behind the apple tree, pondering on how life was treating him.

Taranza: "Sigh, I've done so much these past years. Served Queen Sectonia, ruled a kingdom, and helped Kirby defeat all powerful creature of destruction. Sigh, so many memories. Yet even after doing all those things I can't help but still miss my dear Sectonia. 

Taranza just took a breath and went back to his thoughts.

Taranza: "Will I ever find a friend so sweet, so understanding, so beautiful like my dear Sectonia?" When, just when will that happen?"

As Taranza kept pondering on his thoughts another person entered.

???: "Is it fine if I relax here?

Taranza looked up and saw that it was Zan Partizanne the Lightning General. Former mage under the Jambastion regime.

Taranza: "Why I don't see any problem with that, besides it's always good to have company.

As Zan Partizanne sat beside the Floralian, Taranza's heart slowly started to beat fast.

Zan Partizanne: "It's such a beautiful day out here."

Taranza: "Why yes, yes it is."

As the two were admiring the beauty of the Dreamland's valleys Zan Partizanne began to ask Taranza a question.

Zan Partizanne: "So Taranza, just how exactly is life treating you?"

Taranza: "Well I'm doing pretty well. I'm actually adjusting to my life as ruler of Floralia and doing an amazing job keeping the kingdom under good control. So how are things working out for you?"

Zan Partizanne: "I'm still trying to adjust to my new life as a Dreamlander. At first it was tough trying to live  a new life, but that all changed once I made sure to take things a step at a time."

Taranza: "That's actually good to hear."

As each minute was passing by the two slowly started to bond over their stories and tales about their previous lives. Pretty soon the two of them saw a special side to each other they've never seen before. As evening time came the two were still swapping their tales of their past with their love ones.

Taranza: "Man, I really miss her ever so much."

Zan Partizanne: "I honestly feel your pain Taranza. At least Hyness and I separated on good terms. From what I've heard Hyness "

Taranza: "Sometimes I wonder-"

Zan Partizanne: " If I took that place."

The two beings then noticed how close they were.

Zan Partizanne: "Taranza?"

Taranza: "Yes Zan Partizanne?"

Zan Partizanne: "You may call me Zan."

Taranza: "Okay, Zan. But, may you please resume your question?"

Zan Partizanne: "Ok, Do you think that maybe we are too similar with each other. I mean we both served and adored our highly ranked bosses. And yet we never had the chance to express our love for them. Francesca and Meta Knight are already having a relationship, while Flamberge and King Dedede are working things out. So I was wondering if you know...what if things well.

Taranza: "You think we could become something?"

Zan Partizanne: "Well, I'm just placing-er pointing-GAH, Jamblast it! Why is this so hard!?"

Taranza placed his hand gently on the Lighting Generals shoulder and consoled her while humming Moonstruck Blossom. Just hearing the beautiful voice eased her mind. Taranza then rubbed her back, giving Zan Partizanne Nirvana. Once he was finish his eyes the meet Zan's eyes. The two dream friends gazed at each other.

 Taranza: "So, you actually believe we have something together?"

Zan Partizanne: "Yes."

Taranza: "We've been friends for years, and we've gotten each other out of tight spots. And I can see things working out between us too."

The two then raised each other up, while staring at each other. Once the were hovering, they placed their hands together.

Zan Partizanne and Taranza: "I love you so much."

The two began to embrace each other with a kiss. 

Zan Partizanne x TaranzaWhere stories live. Discover now