Leaving Me Hanging

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Angel's P.O.V.

    Angel couldn't help but be different. She couldn't help that when shes walking outside, all the animals run away from her like she was some.. Disease.. Honestly that hurt her, a lot. She envied the way people could touch an animal without it trying to run away or bite them. That was how she got her first scar, when she was little she was, or trying to pet the neighbor's cat. But the cat scratched her leaving a a long mark across her arm. She didn't know what she was at the time in her life, so to her it was normal for a 6 year old girl to get scratched by an animal. 

But, there's no moment in her life when people didn't make fun of her. There was always something, the scar was a major set off! Also, when she fell and hit her head when she was jumping on her bed. It left a huge bump and it was visible. It stuck out like an elephant in a herd of zebras.... It was that bad. But she didn't let it bother her she tried to ignore the names as much as possible. But the changed when she was in the ninth grade. That day was when she found out... Who she truly was on the inside. 

*FlashBack Thing*

"Who can like that piece of shit of a girl I mean look at her!" Tori, the cheerleader the preppy bitch. The popular one. I don't know what people see in that fake piece of shit. I mean come on! Her hair was dyed, she had fake nails on and always saying 'Yeah I like totes grew them myself and also, painted them! Like cos' you know my mom's a nail designer thing, and she like taught me! Totes worth it'. And what she got in response was always...'Oh my gawd! Can you do my nails?' or 'Be my best friend... I love you!' Well, lets just say her life was rather fake. No ones knows but me...

Every guy wanted her, and she knew it to! She always had her fake nails twirling her fake hair, and flirting like some one was paying her! And here she is talking about me! I just wish I could choke her until her neck breaks..

"Her parents obliviously don't love her, I mean I bet they killed them selves because they gave birth.. To that." Every kid was laughing now, and that pissed me off even more!

"Like you can fucking talk! Really? Okay lets see, your nails are faker then you hair! You put up this fake image of yourself, making every one like something that your not! No one knows that your an orphan! No one knows that your name used to be Stacy Marks! No one knows that you were my BEST FRIEND AND NO ONE DEFINITELY KNOWS THAT OUR PARENTS DIED TOGETHER COS' THEY WENT OUT TO EAT DINNER AND A DRUNK DRIVER HIT THEM KILLING MY PARENTS ON IMPACT. NO ONE KNOWS THAT YOUR PARENTS DIED LATER ON THAT NIGHT BECAUSE THEY WERE IN A CRITICAL STATE! SO DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT ABOUT MY PARENTS. EVER!" 

I didn't notice that the teacher had came in and gaping at me. I didn't know why. I mean yeah I just yelled at Tori.. I mean Stacy.. But the look in her eyes were different. Everyone was staring at me, or more in general my eyes.

"Angel, what are you?" My teacher asked me, what the hell was that supposed to mean? What am I? I looked down at my body... Wait what? When did I get these scars? I head markings all over my arms that were burning red. I was confused then it really started to hurt.. I cried out in pain. They burned brighter and brighter. No one did anything. I ran out of the class so fast. Not taking a glance back. I ran straight into the girls restroom. I looked into the mirror dreading what I was about to see..

My eyes were black. Looking like pits of dark nothingness. Eyes aren't supposed to look this way... That's when I noticed I wasn't human. That I was something far worse then that.

*End OF Flashback Thing*

Well, that was six years ago, I was fourteen then, and living with my foster parents. Well foster parent, her name was Mora, and she was FAR too nice. She knew I was different and didn't care. She put me into Home schooling after that whole skit I did in school. I was grateful but, the time I graduated, and turned eight teen. I told Mora I was moving, that I didn't want to be a burden on her anymore. She begged me not to leave, that I wasn't a burden. But I told her it was my decision. But we came to a conclusion. I'd move somewhere close to her. And that she would visit me all the time. I happily agreed.

Moving into a small town in London, wasn't that hard with Mora's help. I was quite thankful, with all Mora has given me. She was a great friend. She was around her thirties, and always wanted kids. But never got married and it turned out she couldn't have kids anyway. I felt bad, but she always called me her daughter.

My life was pretty easy after all that, kind of. I got a job painting for a museum. Well, most likely selling my painting's for a museum, or others who like my paintings. It paid the rent so I didn't care. 

My scars never left, I never truly found out who I was, or what I was. I just knew I was different and for sure I wasn't a human. It scared me when I would get a new scar, but then I got used to it. I never knew what they meant. But I was bound to find out sooner or later. Sooner sounded really good. But I don't know how to describe them. And I for sure don't show them to anyone else. 

What am I? And Why did life leave me hanging?


This popped in my head... And I thought why the heck not.. leave me comments! Please TELL ME WHAT YOU THINk! awsomeness LOVE YALL

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