"What are we going to do?"

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Hey there... Okay most likely I am going to stop writing in the beginning... But today is an exception whatevssss! I just wanted to tell you guys is that Most likely the story will be in Angel's P.O.V. and it could change.. Whenevr so yeahh... Continue!♥ Also the song you should play....

Angel's P.O.V.

Job. I need a job. Maybe I should call Mora. I picked up the phone, then put it back down. No I won't bother Mora, but maybe she could help. I picked up the phone and set it down again. I repeated this several times. I was becoming very frustrated. I decided to call.

Ring, Ring, Ring, Ri-


"Hey Mora, It's Angel.."

"Angel, darling! How are you? Wait is something wrong?" She knew me all to well, I smiled at this.

"Actually there is one thing.." 

"What is it! Wait I will be over there in a second! Love you!"

I couldn't reply, because she was already on her way, to my flay. My Messy Flat.

"Shit! I need to clean!" I turned the radio on putting in the CD labeled Pierce The Veil. I skipped to track 4 and my favorite song by them started playing.(A/N Play Song!)

Drag my hand behind you like a chain behind a truck

Sparks over your carpet, while I Chase you through the darkness

Somebodies supposed to fall in love, but nobody calls even calls.

Somebodies supposed to...

Tear this place apart until you find me hiding,

Silently I wait.

You'll be excited to just see me someday,

 every-things okay.

This song honestly makes no sense, at all. But I like the music. I always wanted to go to a concert, I heard people talking about them like all the time.When I first ever heard them, I thought he was girl, I don't really know why but I did. But like his music has this meaning, that only some people will understand, and sadly I only understand some of it. But my favorite part is this:

Oh no,no

And if I ever catch the ones who hurt you,


I'm hoping that God looks away this time...

Why would I let you go? 

 The only reason why I love that part of the song is because, I wish someone would do that to me. Not kill the people who have hurt me in my life but, just at least once stand up for me? I replayed the song over again, wishing that.  I dusted, and swept. I cleaned all the windows and mirrors. I was almost done-

Knock Knock.

She was already here? My goodness did she speed all the way here? Her house is a good twenty minutes away. I put, all the cleaning stuff away. And made sure I looked presentable.

"Coming!" I yelled from the living room, I went to the door to be greeted by Mora. That crazy girl her.

"HI Honey! How are you?" She pulled me into a bear hug, and went straight to her kitchen. "Did you dust in the kitchen?" She slid her finger across my table making a visible line of dust that had been there. I mentally face palmed and shook my head. I am never going to hear the end of this. "What did I tell you! A  clean home, makes a happy home, safe and pretty!" We said at the same time, laughing at the end of it.

"I know! I know! I got this!" We sat in the living room, and I turned down the radio. So we we won't be in complete silence.

"So whats the problem? I almost got a ticket for coming over here!" I gaped at her, so she was speeding..

"Well... I.. Might've.. Just maybe... LostmyjobandIdonthavemoney." I said joining all my words together in one breath.

"Wait what? You lost your job? What job did you even have?" I stared at her in disbelief. I have told her so many times.

"You know! Right? I worked painting, and selling them! At this gallery. The 491 Gallery to be exact. I might've gotten banned from there. But they will said they will send me the money when my painting are all sold. But after they are all gone, I can't go back." I finished she nodded in acknowledgement.

" So what are we going to do?" She cocked her head to a side, starring off into my apartment. I stared at her, asking myself the same exact question, 'What are we going to do?'

"And, that is why I called you! Could you help me go job hunting! You know some "Mum-Daughter bonding!" Yeah?" I gave her a smile. She turned her head toward me, and smiled that brilliant smile of hers.

"Well, I have nothing better to do..." She carried off her sentence looking at her nails. I softly punched her in the arm, knowing that she was playing. "Lets do this!"


After two hours of looking more like hunting for a job. We had nothing. We went through restaurants, cafes, shopping stores, malls and everything yo could possibly think off, we were there.  Ans still nothing. What are we going to do? Mora fell into my couch face first breathing heavily, I could'ny blame her, I was exhausted but I kept my composure.

"Come on! Get up you lazy arse!" She moaned a response, humans... I laughed at my own joke, obliviously I wasn't human, but I like to thin so.. Sometimes.

"Wait! She bolted up into a sitting position. " We forgot one! Remember that restaurant on Everly Street?" I nodded telling her I was paying attention." Nandos I think its called! Lets go there."

And well, lets just so that's how I landed a small job in a small restaurant called Nandos. Oh how wonderful... Not really..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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