Meet Grey...

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Grey's P.O.V.

Now that I think of it. I never stopped them from hurting Angel. With their mean and hateful words, I mean I just watched. Watched them for years and years harassing her and calling her names. Angel was.. Different. And in all honesty, that's why I liked her. Out of all people in the world, my heart chose her.

She ignored what people said to her, she acted like it didn't bother. I knew it did. One year I can't exactly recall what year, but she hit her head pretty hard, and she had this gigantic bump on her head. Like it was huge. I was going to go up to her and ask her what happened, like an attempt for me to be her friend. And possibly in the future her boyfriend. But, all the kids would go around her and her friend Stacy and make fun of them. Stacy would go away taking Angel with her. I never really got the chance to talk to her.

But that day in the ninth grade, I will never forget what I saw. This whole new side to her, like a dark side. And a dark side that I wished I never had to see. But it was weird fate put us in the same class every year. But this was ninth grade, and I didn't have many classes with her, but maths, I had that with her. The teacher was late as always, Ms.Thoron. I don't even know how she got her job but, I kind of wish she was on time today...


"Who can like that piece of shit of a girl, I mean look at her!" Tori always made fun of her, like that was her victim. What happened to Stacy? Stacy like disappeared, when her parents died in that car accident. A drunk driver hit them, and some other couple. The other couple, were unidentifiable. Thats how bad the crash was. And after that Stacy vanished. Everyone assumed she moved. Then Tori came here. She became the preppy bitch with nice hair and nails.... I don't know why everyone liked her shes an asshole!

"Her parents obliviously don't love her, I bet the killed themselves because they gave birth... To that." Thats when I had enough, I was going to finally stand up for Angel. But I think Angel had other plans.. She stalked right up to her. Her arms starting turning into a faint red. That's weird.

"Like you can fucking talk! Really? Okay lets see, your nails are faker than your hair, you put up this fake image of yourself, making everyone like something that your not! No One knows your an orphan, No one knows that your name used to be Stacy Marks..." Wait what? That's when everything clicked. Stacy disappeared, Tori came. No wonder they looked alike...


 The teacher came in, I heard her yelling some more about how her parents were together on a dinner date thing, and that they died later that night. But its like everything went quiet, after her little rant. Everyone was just staring at her. I didn't know why until I looked at her.. Whats up with those scars? Why are her eyes... black? That's not normal. No one was doing anything, then she cried out in pain. And ran.

That was the last day I saw her and... Tori... I mean Stacy...

*End Of Flashback*

That day, was just unforgettable. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Sometimes I would have dreams about it. I just wish I could go back and change everything. Standing up for her and all. I lived in a tiny flat in London. I couldn't be home anymore. I didn't exactly know why. I wish I could see Angel one more time, see how shes doing. But that was six years ago. Six agonizing years.

When I get those feelings when I miss her, I would go to this museum, that would show amateur paintings. They were absolutely beautiful, and the ones I loved the most. That would be by this Unanimous painter. Why can't I know his/ her name. Maybe talk to them and tell them, that I love them. But they had to be Unanimous. Gosh.. But I can still admire them. Its like I feel that persons pain, when I look at their paintings. Its like they were going through something terrible. The colors contrasted with each other perfectly. Not over doing it, or anything. It was perfect.

I have been saving up money for like ever, to buy one of them for my apartment. I finally had enough money from my little temp jobs that I took. I walked into the 491 Gallery ready to buy one of them.

"Excuse me, uhmm, excuse me?" I was quite nervous and this lady wsn't helping at all with my nerves. She looked up so slowly, I thought I was going to die of old age.

"What do you want, sir?" Wow, she obliviously doesn't like her job. Or is it just me? I really don't know..

"I kind of want to buy one of the paintings..." I carried off my sentence so she could get my drift. She pointed to a sign, that said they had to pay 340 pounds first. All the paintings were the same amount? I handed her the money and pointed to which one I wanted. I was finally going to get one! She had the people get it out of the stand it was on. And the packed it up and handed it to me. I carried it to my car.

When I was in the safety of my tiny Flat, I put up the painting I had wanted it to be in. Now my Flat was coming alive! This painting mad me feel closer to Angel, because it reminded me of her, for some odd reason. I knew she was different but I didn't care. I saw her, not for what she was.

Life you left me hanging here! Little help?


Hey there! So what do you think of Grey?? You like him? Okay well, tell me what you think! Plzzz I feel lonely.. :( Love all of yall 

~ VictoyAndDefeat♥

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