Prologue Two: Old Friends (Part 2/2)

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White Rune Circles would begin to draw themselves together, forming a barrier around the humanoid. Readying himself by keeping his arms stiffly locked into just the right position, he'd throw them outward, with the circles blasting outward around the two. They would expel rapid oscillations, spinning in rapid succession as they'd gather energy. Sans' pupils would dart around the area, simply sighing.

"Right." With the ecstatic expression behind Sans' face wavering, his ecstatic poise would begin to show. Yet, behind the facade of focusing on environmental utilization, Sans' real attention would be wrapped around the actions Aeron would be making with his hands. Observing, watching each small movement, the expression told the tale of Sans' deduction of picking out each small detail of what each small gesture did. Yet, clearly, The Ancient One was oblivious to this.

As the oscillations would continue within the runes, they'd all grow a vibrant and aggressive glow. Sans' eyes would narrow, his attention grasped by the problem at hand, almost as if it was tied to the vessel it sprouted from. Ligatures would beam from the runes, with the links all swiftly connecting to the hands of Aeron. With the fabled warrior's hands mixed up in his own labyrinth of gesticulations, he'd curl his pinky finger into his palm, followed by his ring finger and his thumb. With his index and middle finger stiffly straightened out, he'd throw his arms out towards the sides at overly excessive force, causing the bonds between the runic magic to tear instantly.

With Sans remaining completely and utterly still throughout the whole act, curiosity acted as his ultimate demise. It was an impetuous for Sans to completely disregard any sign of danger when the desire of curiosity comes in between his sights of the fight. Yet, despite the apparent semblance, Sans would always stick his head into the hell on high waters.

The thrill, the learning experience, all of that was something that was mandatory to the Skeleton in order to gain some sort of sentimentality from the event. Despite ruminating in his own choices, Sans' protruded demeanor stuck to the physical conflict, awaiting some sort of attack from the clearly not confident Ancient Being.

With the shimmering glow behind the runic circles glowing, they'd suddenly burst into a large gleaming energy, almost as if set ablaze in the mystical magic fuming with the odd flow of energy pouring from it. An odd hum would emit from the energy, Sans watching as they'd spin in synchronization. Aeron, with his all-seeing eyes gazing upon the situation would realize the lack of action coming from the Comical Skeleton.

As it'd happen once before, perturbed thoughts would begin to spiral, whirling up and running all throughout his head. Pondering at the anxiety inducing feeling that he was doing this with some sort of scheme shrouding his very essence. Was he doing this as a bait? Or was this nothing more than a show to inflict discouragement right through the thick skull of the ignorant warrior?

This had to be a bait. There was no way it wasn't. With one quick swoop, Aeron would swipe his hands into the air– then back down, almost as if the runes were extensions of himself, they'd all attempt to blitz the Skeleton, narrowing in at hasty speeds. Catching Sans slightly off guard, even he would be surprised at the speeds they were capable of traversing.

Flexing his forearms out, Sans would throw his arms towards his sides, causing a large orb to form around his body, before bursting aflame with Aspirate Aura. With the runes in hot pursuit, and Sans partially cornered, they'd make contact with the barrier, rapidly keeping steady pressure in an attempt to burst through the shield.

As his stare would close in at the defense, confusion would, just then, strike Aeron like a punch to the face.

The runes... they're incorporeal. They should've easily phased through the bubble, maneuvering through it as if it wasn't there to begin with. The complex– and confused surge of thoughts streamed through his head, an aggressive river of just... attempting to comprehend what he was seeing. Prism Magic– and the Energy alike was anyway capable of phasing through inanimate objects, anything that wasn't its oppressor.

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