Chapter One: A Callous Truth

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Amongst the expansive residency of the southern region, a home stood that could hardly qualify. Old, creaky, yet somewhat stable; lived a married couple. Two warriors, prestigious and flourishing within their class, and being the utmost relied on by the pertinacious leaders.

Meydem quietly observed her children from the entrance to the dining area. "Look at them go." A deep voice rasped, slowly approaching from behind and joining his wife in appreciation of their children. "Little mini versions of us running around." She added, smiling sweetly. Vorion would raise his arm, gently wrapping it around Meydem into a soft embrace, which she quickly returned. The two embellished the euphoric atmosphere whilst they still could. Leaning into her husband, Meydem couldn't help but appreciate the last moment of glee and security she would have for a while... and potentially, forever. Her and her husband inside a loving clasp, watching as their children played blissfully. Yet, it was interrupted by the knowledge that their children were ignorant of the endeavors their parents were soon to take on.

Bearing the bad news, Vorion spoke up softly, quiet enough to where only Meydem would hear his dreadful words. Despite it being forced and brisk, they were empty, lacking the usual charismatic and reassuring demeanor he always retained. "...I'm sure you've also received the message. We were called in." Amongst the upcoming premonition, she kept her smile, she remained firm in her gentle and kind demeanor. "It sounded urgent," she continued, further cuddling into him. "It's pretty obvious this isn't any 'normal' mission," Meydem uttered, her gaze amongst her children beginning to dwindle. "I presume you're ready, yes? You have everything you need?" Meydem inquired, shifting her eyes to her husband, to which he simply nodded. With one more affectionate and tighter embrace reciprocated by one another, the two would let go of each other. "I'll let you have some alone time with the kids. I'll meet you outside." Vorion flashed a half-smile to Meydem, turning as he paced to the exit.

Meydem stood, aligned in the same position she was in just moments ago, within her husband's embrace. The laden situation was beginning to catch up to her, anticipation for the dreadful disclosure that was soon to reach her ears. Yet, she didn't let the horrors of the world deter her, not even for a moment. Snapping her attention to her offsprings, Meydem would approach her two gleeful children, squatting down as they halted their time of play as she drew near. "Hey guys..." Meydem whispered, extending her arms out. Immediately, her children would jump into her loving embrace, snuggling into her affection. "You and Daddy seemed like you were getting ready for something again," her son muttered. Meydem would lean back, allowing their eyes to meet hers. "...Solen," Meydem's balmy eyes glistened with sympathy. It pained her as a mother to witness her children's faces contorted with sadness, especially with the thought that this may be the last time they'd be able to speak roaming in the back of her head. "Mommy and Daddy have to go on another mission, alright?" She continued, running her hands through the top of their head, ruffling their hair as they silently grumbled in disapproval. "I know, I know..." She added, leveling her face to theirs. "This one may take a bit longer than usual, but we'll be back, alright? Theodore a few houses down agreed to look after you guys in the meantime."

"Promise?" Meydem glanced toward her daughter; Sarah, speaking up as she grabbed Meydem's shirt collar. "You always promised you and Daddy would return. Can you please promise?" Meydem's eyes slightly widened, her mouth opening, yet no words formed under her breath. Among her trouble in surfacing coherent responses, Meydem would clear her throat. "...I... Well, uhm," Yet, with the emotional gaze her astute daughter gave her, she faltered in providing any form of candid expression. For a girl whose age wasn't even in the double digits yet, such an unprecedented response left her gobsmacked. "We... have a... longer... mission this time, sweetheart." Quickly rising to her feet, she would caress the faces of her offsprings, gently elevating their chin to meet her gaze. "But! You guys know Mommy and Daddy are very strong, right? You've seen us fight before! If anything bad happens, we'll get through it no problem, okay sweetheart?" Her vision jumped between her two children, giving them a soft and reassuring smile, which quickly managed to lift their atmosphere. Albeit acquiescing, her son and daughter would nod, trusting in the word of their mother.

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