1. Ephyra Islet

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"Emma, love, please tell me you are not actually going through with this." The lowered voice at the other end of the phone crackles as the walkie-talkie struggles to maintain a connection. I ignore the nervous voice of my best friend and loyal assistant Benjamin as I carefully try to navigate the boat towards Ephyra Islet.

Benjamin doesn't let himself be stopped by my silence as he continues to list all the reasons why this was not only my dumbest idea yet, but also my most dangerous one. He has a point of course, but if I let myself be stopped every time I made a risky choice, I would never achieve anything worthwhile. Besides, the most dangerous aspect of my plan is also the most easily fixed.

"Benji, I know you mean well and I love you too, but I need to focus if I want to reach the entrance without shipwrecking this boat." I can almost hear Benji rolling his eyes from his hiding spot near the docks of Andros—he remains quiet.

If it was anyone else, I would think they were angry with me, but this was Benji. I had only seen him get angry once in the time I've known him. When Benji does become angry, he is scarily polite, showing the posh English upbringing he normally keeps well-hidden.

Bringing my focus back to the task at hand, I check to see if anyone on Andros or Tinos could spot my boat. When I'm sure it's safe, I turn on the underwater spotlights. A few fish scuttle away from the sudden intrusion of light. This area has quite a few rocks hidden just beneath the water's surface, and if you're not careful, they will strand or sink your boat.

Normally, this would just be an expensive problem and you call the coastguard to come out and save you. Seeing as I don't have permission to be out here and I definitely don't have permission to try and set-up an archaeological dig on a restricted island—a nervous laugh escapes me as I think of the consequences of getting caught.

I carefully steer the boat through the labyrinth created by the rock formations, keeping an eye on the cave entrance that is my destination. Ephyra Islet is not a large island or easily accessible, which was part of the reason visitors were prohibited. The other part is the unique flora and fauna that can be found on the island. And yet, I know there is more to the story than officials are willing to admit to. Research into other islands has shown that Ephyra Islet was inhabited by a small monotheistic civilisation that had limited contact with the outside world. That's it. That's all the evidence and research that has been done. Until now, and when I do the research and get the artefacts that are just waiting to be found, nobody will be able to ignore me anymore.

As I get to the entrance of the cave, I grab the headlight Benji bought me last week. Putting on the headlight and keeping the boat steady is difficult. With some careful wiggling, I manage to secure the headlight. I grip the steering wheel tightly. The humming fades into the background as my heart is beating loudly and palms are sweaty. I was fine on the way over, but being this close to see what no other archaeologist has seen before—it is terrifying and exciting all mixed together.

The headlight illuminates the shiny white surface of the sides and ceiling. Some intricate carvings adorn the walls just above the waterline. Making a mental note to take a closer look and photograph them later, I continue towards the speck of light in the distance.

The other side of the cave opens up into a small bay. If there had been daylight, it was sure to look beautiful. Not that it didn't look beautiful now, with the moon reflection on the water surface. The sky filled with more stars than anyone could ever count. 

"You still alive?" Benji asks unexpectedly.

I scream and bump my knee against the console. Rubbing the pain from my knee, I grab the walkie-talkie. "Yes Benji, I am still alive, but I won't be for long if you scare the crap out of me."

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