8: { Constellations }

40 3 5

{ POV }
{ Third Person}


Leo places down a card, leaving him with one left, a smug forming on his face as he rose his gaze up to Dexter who seems focused on his cards.

"Well, Dexter? What's your next move?" He teased, rubbing his thumb on the back of his remaining card. 

Dexter sighed, about to place a card down until Alex interrupted.

"Go fish!"

Leo and Dexter turned their heads to Alex, confused and startled as Alex aggressively placed down a card. Leo was the first one to speak.

"..This is uno, Al.." He responded, gesturing to the obviously color green number five card that Alex placed down.

"Huh? But.. I thought we were playing go-"

Dexter swiftly snatch his last three cards and placed it down, startling Leo as he looked back again to see a block, color change and a yellow plus two card.

"I win." Dexter chuckled. "You also forgot to say 'uno'"

Out of pure rage, Leo slammed his last card and crossed his arms. "Fuck you! Especially you, you homosexual imbecile shrimp!"

"Hey! What did I do?" Alex frowns. "And it's not like you have a preference for bo-" 

Leo quickly threw god knows how much cards at Alex' face, his face a completely red as a tomato, causing Dexter from across the table to chuckle loud enough to catch Leo's attention.

Alex quickly ran off, probably pissed off by Leo and to get food.

Leo stared at Dexter, shocked to see him genuinely laughing.. well, chuckling, for the first time. He's always been so quiet and dark.

His face eventually toned down to a small blush as Dexter's chuckling ended with a sigh as he placed his elbow on the table, chin on his hand as he looked at Leo.

"You're too cute whenever you get angry." Followed by another small, this time a low chuckle, Dexter stared at Leo who's malfunctioning in place while becoming a literal tomato.

Until our lovely monotonous, emo, depressed, absolutely emotionally and mentally broken main character who's also addicted to a legal drug, Coffee, opened the door and interrupted everything.

They all stared at each other while Coffee tries to process what happened in here due to the Uno cards scattered and tossed around. She shook his head and looked at Dexter.

"Hi Dex, I need to speak to Leo."

Dexter and Leo exchanged glances as Dexter stood up from his seat and nodded, heading to the door behind Coffee as he exited the room.

Coffee closed the door behind her and approached the empty chair Dexter left and sat down, glancing necklace thingy or what ever it is.

It had the constellation of the Leo sign, pretty much his name too.

"( Surely he has affiliation with Sora.. )" Coffee though, placing the book on the table.

( RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS) Evade ShenanigansWhere stories live. Discover now