And he didnt just remaind your brother pt. 1

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Y/ N was a young girl in an orphanage who was very beautiful, hardworking, and sensitive girl.One day in the ocasion of the anniversary of the orphanage the CEO of the orphanage came there with his son and wife. Their son was so handsome and good looking. the Kim's family was also so good from inside and outside too. when ever they come their they get a gift for every single children in orphanage they provided good food with a really good quality clothes shoes and other need of single child there they also send thier children to the top schools and colleges they were really happy today and his son always as cold as ice i really dont like his that side. but i have a huge crush on him but you still call him brother as you tell and mrs. kim father mother . as i and my best friend yoshyu were oldest there among all children we took them in line and made them bow kim's family they entered orphanage and gave all the gift to everyone i got a beautiful necklace and youshu got apair of shoes. y/n was really passionate about baby products and she also jas a dreamed to open a big company of baby products . Today she is going to keep her idea in front of mr. kim and mrs. kim maybe they can help her. after getting gift every children went for food and y/n too went she was in dinning hall and alone in 5 peoples bench with yoshyu she was talking about her dream when and mrs. kim and brother came there to have food with them y/n talked about her dream to mr. kim amd they said they will help her with that after she finishes her study. After 2 years y/n and youshyu were graduated from business collage with a really good score they were really happy for that yoshyu was now dating a girl too but y/n was still single. Everyone's parents were called and y/n and youshyu were waiting for kim's family finally when they arrived they looked so happy for y/n and youshyu today even brother was looking happy. after the graduation party mrs. kim said we will go for a party and they sat on their car and told us to come with brother in his car . y/n and youshyu with his gf went with brother in his car. after a while we heard a blast we quickly went there to see if everything is fine the car in whih mr. and mrs. kim were in was blasted they took mr. and mrs. kim hospital they were kept in ICU. Y/n yoshyu were crying so much when doctor said they can be transferred to normal room as they were going to die and it was confirmed mrs. kim and mr. kim had come to conscious they called y/n and taehyung and said" y/n this is a really important thing after we leave this world promise me you will fulfil your dream and tae you will help her please y/n marry my son and take care of him and please take help of youshyu to takecare of orphanage. we both will be seeing you all from sky. they both died the next day in the funeral all the children in orphanage were crying and every one was so sad their car caught fire when someone has thrown a cigarette in middle of road and it was litted. y/n and taehyung had a akward moment y/n in car when they were going to brother's house. in the car breaking the ice y/n started the conversation saying " you must be feeling so sad but you not need to worry now what is gone cant comeback crying so dont be sad" taehyung replied" are you comforting me or are you making me more sad " "uhh......i was of course comforting you dont be sad "y/n said
after getting out of car taehyung was still crying so y/n hugged him tightly and make kim stop crying. y/n asked " do you have a girlfriend? " tarhyung replying coldly "No and it has nothing to do with you and dont even think that you will marry me i will never let that happen " y/n replied "oh well i wasn't even taking it seriously but you need to help me my with my dream " taehyung replied as "ok i will help you with that " they firstly managed orphanage and y/n and taehyung also started building a
building for copany every design in the copany was decided by y/n it was big and very gorgeous building in paper. taehyung was slowly healing from the past. tommorw they needed to go for wedding of taehyung's closest best friend cousin Rihana . as Rihana was the best friend and most closest to taehyung they were going to before 10 days of her wedding. They stopped the work of company and went to attend the wedding. They reached
Rihana's house and Rihana welcomed us and took us to show our room there were so many guests taehyung gave me their introduction and when his aunt asked him he gave my introduction to them as i was his girlfriend and are going to marry soon. i was so shocked to hear that. after we went to room i asked" why did you lied to your relative. " taehyung giving spicy answer " maybe it is true"
he came close to your face and said"dont you wanna be my girlfriend? " i was still in shock when he gave me another shok. someone opened the door it Was Rihana she said " i am so sorry for disturbing " y/n dont worry its not what you think it is. Rihana came and gave us dress to were in her wedding and told us to come down to have dinner. we sitting and having dinner when that one aunt asked " i think we are going to get another wedding to attend soon"seeing towards us y/n fake chocked  on food
taehyung replied " i hope so" while blushing . y/ n and v went to their room.
........... to be continued