I think I might be Bi.

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Dev grabs Rohan by his collar as soon as he hears Rohan calling him pretty, he is fuming with anger thinking that Rohan is mocking him for expressing how he felt just now.

"What the hell did you just say? everything is a joke to you, I don't know what I was expecting from a person like you but every time you open your mouth, you only spew nonsense. If my dad didn't work here, I wouldn't have wasted my time talking to a person like you, I would have let my fists do all the talking instead." Dev's face is red, he is feeling humiliated.

Rohan grins and with one swift movement, grabs Dev by his shoulders and flips him on the bed, pinning him down under him. "Why are you so angry all the time? You need to relax."

"Get away from me you bastard!" Dev squirms and shouts, trying to break away from Rohan's tight grip on his wrists but Rohan keeps smiling and staring at him. 

"Shhh, I want to know how it feels to kiss a man, will you let me try it?" Rohan says in a low voice, looking at Dev's plump red lips. 

"Are you crazy? I'd rather die than let you kiss me." Dev said looking at Rohan like he was completely repulsed by him. 

"I know it sounds crazy, I don't know why, I just find you attractive, I have never felt attracted by a man before, but the more I look at you, the more I want to taste you, I want to envelope myself in your smell, your eyes are always shuttered like you don't want people to know how you are really feeling, I feel this uncontrollable urge to protect you, I.. can I kiss you once?" 

Dev is in complete and utter shock, he didn't expect to hear these words from Rohan, he took a moment to stare into Rohan's eyes to gauge his emotions, it didn't look like Rohan was mocking him, he was earnestly looking at him. Dev had never met a person who was so direct and honest about their feelings before, he didn't know how to react to Rohan's request. 

"Let me go," Dev said in a low voice, turning his face to the side, not looking at Rohan.

Rohan immediately lets go of Dev and gets up from the bed, "Go."

"Can I ask you for a favor?"

Rohan ignores Dev and busies himself on his phone, checking his emails, and scrolling through his Instagram.

"Can we pretend we don't know each other at Uni?"

"Fine by me," Rohan says, still looking at his phone. 

Dev leaves the house confused by everything that just happened between him and Rohan in the bedroom. He curses himself for letting his rage take over, and misbehaving with his father's boss's son, he hopes that Rohan doesn't take his anger out on his father, although deep in his heart he already knew that a person like Rohan would not do such a thing. 

The next afternoon Rohan and Aarav were busy working on their new song in the music room, they were waiting for Rahim to finish his class and join them. 

"What's up with that hoarse-ass voice, did you not sleep well last night?"

"Not really."

"Don't tell me you went scoring last night? I always tell you not to do that before our recording sessions."

"I didn't do any of that you fucker." Rohan says, annoyed at Aarav's assumption.

"Then, what is up with this tired ass face and why is your voice sounding like a dying horse?" Aarav says, mocking Rohan's voice.

"I've been thinking about a boy," Rohan says, as he picks up his acoustic guitar that is lying around on the floor and starts humming a tune while leisurely strumming the guitar strings.

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