8. it doesn't count during drinking games [minor nsfw]

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Look. I KNOW you see that title and I know you're getting excited. Hold your horses, folks. It's slight this chapter but we're ramping up.


You wake up with Levi's arm wrapped around your midsection and his forehead pressed against the back of your shoulder.

And immediately, you panic.

But (luckily), your panic is entirely internal, so you don't move or nudge him away. You just sit there, frozen, with wide eyes and your heart beating so loudly that it'd be a miracle if Levi couldn't hear it. You try to force yourself to breathe a bit slower and calm your heart rate, and once you think you're not freaking out as badly, you survey the situation.

His hand is on your abdomen, just underneath your chest. You've got your hand over his- fuck, you're holding his hand. At least there's a layer between his palm and your skin (your shirt). God, you're so warm. He's so warm. And his arm around you...

Is it bad that you don't want to move? That you just want to stay here for a while? Maybe.

God, you like him. You do. Maybe it's just because you haven't dated anyone in a while and your bar is really low, or just that you haven't met anyone new in a long time. But it feels like you and Levi just... click. He understands you. And you think he cares about you past this whole façade. And this? This cuddling thing? Maybe that's proof.

You could stay here forever, you think. It's warm and cozy and you feel... safe. But you can't help but wonder what he's thinking. Did he do this on purpose, or did you somehow just get to this position in the middle of the night? Is this an accident? Is he enjoying this as much as you are?

Without meaning to, your grip lightens on Levi's hand. He stirs behind you and you freeze up. "You awake?" Levi murmurs.

His breath is hot on the back of your neck. "Mhm," you hum.

He shifts. Levi pulls his arm away from you and rolls away, and suddenly, you're cold. "Didn't want to move and wake you up," he says as he pushes himself out of his bed. "Sleep well?"

So that was it. He did it on accident and didn't want to wake you up. "Yeah, not bad," you say, pulling the blankets up to your chin to get warm again. "You?"

"Not bad," Levi echoes.

The two of you stare at each other for a second, and you can feel your face warming. "Breakfast?" you squeak out, reaching for your phone so that you've got something else to look at that's not Levi's face.

"We can pick it up on the way," he calls over his shoulder as Levi too turns to exit the awkward situation. He vanishes into his bathroom, and after a few seconds, you can hear the shower running. 

With a sigh, you bundle yourself back into the blankets again, wanting to relish in the heat for just a bit longer. This is going to be the last time you're ever in this bed, and you'll be damned if you don't make the most of it. 

Today's the day. Done with Levi's family and onto yours. You'd thought you were stressed about meeting Levi's family, but that can't have been anything remotely in the ballpark of stressed, given the anxiety coursing through you now. 

God, you'd almost rather stay at Levi's. Yes, even after you argued with his stepfather.

"Today," you murmur to yourself, pulling the blankets off your head, "is going to suck."

When you hear the shower shut off, you finally pull yourself out of Levi's bed, already knowing you're going to despise the bed you get stuck with in the lodge because it'll never be as nice as his. You get changed into a comfortable sweater and trousers, and you've just finished packing up your suitcase when Levi comes out of the shower, making a beeline for his closet.

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