Chapter 6

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I packed what Skylar wanted, and things i
thought she would need, I am not sure if she wants to fully move in with me but even if it is still early days i would like her to, I know that would be a conversation for me and big Skylar though

I sigh, it's been a hard day, I look over seeing Skylar sleeping with my hand in hers, Rhina in her arms as she lays on her pillow. I would like to know who's been helping her, by the looks of her apartment it seems no one, while i do know she moved from her parents and only has April, truthfully i want Skylar with me all of the time, It is funny i never thought i would get attached to anyone.

Finally we got home, i put Skylar to bed and then unpacked the groceries i asked Marcelle to get for me, but I was giving me some colourful insights on what his cousin gave about littles.. i wasn't pleased at all so i told him to skip to something usefull and that's when he mentioned punishments, making sure i have structure and rules in place. It makes sense, i saw a little of her brattiness earlier but physical punishment i'm not sure until the moment how i will handle that.

"so" we enter my office, i want answers on the prick who stole from me

"i found nothing, of value.. but i did find these" he places some envelopes on my desk
"they're checks.. to send to his family"
i sit, my hand comes under my chin
"alot had been missing from the dock he is assigned to" Marcelle nods
"take him to the warehouse"
he looks away
"words" i snap
"he left boss"
anger boils in chest, my hands slam down in the desk
"he ran with not only my fucking money but with my fucking need for him to be begging at my god damn feet'
i growl and he flinches nodding
"we dont know exactly when"
i scowl "get him Marcelle or al come into it and none of you fucking want that" i see it, he shivers which makes the beast in me smile

He knows my ways, how i am

I help all my men i dont give a fuck about money, he ran away with my respect, my ego and that doesn't sit well with me one fucking bit
"i'll get him Xander you know that"
i keep the air silent, but something is unsettling , i feel like Skylar is to far away from me like her scent will calm me, how can that be..

"so uh, Skylar" he asks nervously
"is none of your concern"
he looks down
"but my couisn"
"is not me" i snap
"know" he looks away
"good, now go do your job"
he stands sighing
"Xander, i uh"
my hands fly to my temples making hun ryan
"it's Xavier"
there's one name that's dangerous to say around me and, he said it
"what about it"
"he works for Casey"
if it was possible to see red

"then you'll be a busy man won't you"
he nods
"take Adam with you but i want this asshole Henry found, i want him at my fucking mercy"
he nods before leaving and i growl leaning forward murder in my viens, but i can't, i have Skylar now but "fuck" i need Skylar.

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