Faceless Shadows

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Shadow Sabre
I found myself in a cave with the wind howling above me. In front of me stood two people I have never seen before. One without a face another with a strange mask that moved as he tilted his head at me. I looked around for anything familiar to find Shadow Sabre next to me.

I was back. What a joy it is to be back. I could feel Sabre in my mind though like he was trapped. He felt weaker than last time. He wouldn't be splitting apart for me anytime soon.

Shadow goes in front of me and offers his hand. I guess he needs to take me somewhere. I took his hand and watched as the one with no face changed into Sabre. He then was sent away by the spinning mask Steve who seemed to be following us now. They took us away in a few bolts of lighting. Next thing I knew we were in a small gap next to a large mountain with very thick dark oak trees behind us. We went inside the opening leading into a nice cave. I was greeted by a man with a black coat with red eyes.

"Memory! It's been so long." The black coat Steve hugged the spinning mask, Steve, I guess that's Memory Steve then. Memory Steve hugs back. Void then looks at me and Shadow.

"I see your plan is going well. Nice to meet you, Shadow Sabre. I'm Void Steve." He introduced himself. Shadow nods to Void Steve.

"Nightmare is currently unavailable so is Dark, he asked me to tell you what you must do. Expand and infect as many Steves as you can to the darkness then attack the village Sabre and his friends live at. There is a town about a few hours away from the other village. It's just hard for them to travel around. Go there and do what you must." He tells me. I nod.

"Sounds good to me, it's been too long," I spoke. Void laughed.

"Even your voice is shadow-like. Don't worry about the others worrying about Sabre's absence. My son and his friend have that covered."

"Perfect. I won't let the darkness down." Void Steve raised his hand and sent both me and Shadow to the village he spoke about. It was quite small. They were in a swamp surrounded by gaps of water, bridges, and high houses. I didn't see any blue steves though, Mostly just Red, Green, and Yellow Steves in this town. Perfect.

I looked at Shadow who gave me a slight nod before running to the village and started infecting the Steves' hearts with darkness. I went to make sure that no one left the town. Not until the first part of our plan was complete.

I watched slowly as Steve started to scream in a panic as darkness attached to them. Some steves held onto each other for comfort as it quickly took over their minds. Other steves try to run away, but I stopped them in their tracts and infected their minds. Soon the ground around the town was covered in darkness and the steves were mindless to our command. Our very own army. I went to the middle of town where Shadow waited for me. He pointed in the direction of where the town our heroes lived in. I nodded to him.

We pointed towards the town together and the infected steves followed.

I was dozing off when I heard someone come down the stairs. Looks like it's Time Steve. My disguise as Sabre has been going perfectly. No one suspects a thing. I need to hold this form up long enough to ensure the plan goes well. If I do this then I can get Memory out of this mess. So he doesn't have to fight in this meaningless war. We can be friends without being told what to do anymore.

I looked at the sound and sat up from the couch to see Time Steve coming down the stairs just like I thought. I don't see why Sabre has any romantic attraction to him, but I'll play along with it. That doesn't mean I am kissing him though! That's just gross.

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