Chapter 12

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Joseph P.O.V

A hour or so later, around 5:36 P.M

I groaned as I blinked open my eyes, my ass felt slightly sore and there was sticky shit all over me. Then the memories of what happened a hour ago came right back.

Me and Miles had fucked, we had gone at it like fucking feral beasts, and forgot about any precautions. I was going to have to ask Miles to remind me to pull out next time or buy condoms.

Don't get me wrong, A kid would be wonderful but I'm only nineteen and I'm an Alpha on top of that, my life does not need anymore stress.

From how deeply Miles was asleep I doubted he would be waking up anytime soon. I carefully got up, quickly showered, put on a pair of pants and headed outside our room, closing the door quietly. I had hoped no-one had gathered in the main room downstairs -at least not yet-

But alas!

They had, and from the sounds of it, were discussing the events they could hear a mere hour ago. Jack come forward and placed his hand on my shoulder before saying "Congratulations on your first bang with Miles, don't worry, you two sound less like your getting murdered then Jesse and Marques".

Jesse stiffened and snarled softly, bristling at the comment, but it was true, Jesse and Marques couldn't be any louder. And they chose to fuck when everyone else was fucking asleep.

"Did you use condoms or pull out?" Kelsey asked from where he sat on a stool next to the kitchen island.

"No, didn't cross my mind unfortunately.... We just have to hope my seed isn't that strong" I said, bowing my head slightly.

"Fate does repeat itself, three years ago me and Kelsey ended up with Reese after unprotected sex, and it seems to be happening again but to a different couple, with a different possible Pcub" Aspen said, swishing his tail slightly as he spoke.

"So.... I get nephews and or nieces from my twin when we're both fucking nineteen years old?!" Marques snarled, lashing his tail and clearly angry at my idiocy.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault, blame me and not Miles. He didn't think to remind me, but I should've remembered" I said, tucking my tail somewhat and stepping back.

Now most Alphas tell you to never submit, but I submit when I know I've lost, or will lose as soon as the fight begins.

And a fight between me and a fucking tiger? Probably not one I'm going to walk out of alive.

Marques sighed and pinched the top of his muzzle before saying "Its neither of yours fault alone, it was a mistake you made together. A potentially fuzzy and life changing and well welcomed mistake, but a mistake none the less".  I looked away, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

"On a more cheerful note, how was it? From the noises you two were making I'm betting you two had the time of you lives!" Jayden said, smirking when I blushed. I stubbornly turned away from them, so my back was facing them and they couldn't see my face.

I walked over to the island and set on the chair beside Kelsey, taking the time to chat with him. The others -mainly his siblings- kept trying to get a rise out of him and kept making comments about how loud me and Miles had been apparently.

I decided I'd had enough when Jayden made a rather loud remark about 'wondering how it was like to sleep with a person who's slept around. I know he didn't mean it to hurt anybody's feeling but both me and Miles had agreed this past week to not mention how Miles had slept around before.

I walked over to my brother and bared my teeth at him, not caring in the moment how this looked. Jayden's mate -John- came into the room, saw me growling at Jayden, and launched himself at me.

It wasn't a true fight -we both barely drew blood- but it still made our pack members uneasy to see my fight with one if my pack-mates. We both separated, sweaty and covered in pieces of loose and torn fur.

"I'm sorry" John said begrudgingly, refusing to look at me.

"I'm sorry to, I shouldn't have launched myself into the fight so easily" I said, lowering my head and pinning my ears back slightly. John got off the floor and offered me his hand, which I took and he yanked me upright.

Some time later, 6:51 P.M

A muffled curse from upstairs drew my attention and I looked toward the stairs, Miles had apparently woken up and probably saw the state of our bed.

I was going to have to ask some of the other wolves to fix our bed before we slept, which meant we probably were going to have to stay up later then usual.


My mates voice sounded like it cracked for a second, and I raced upstairs, knowing that one of two things awaited me, either Miles being injured from a accident -Unlikely, he practically tip-toed around- or......

He was pregnant.


Tea (On the short side but eh. *shrug*)


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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