my off day

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SANTANA MIYLAUN _____________________________

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It's Wednesday, and here I am on my day off at my agency. So apparently there's this woman who recently moved back to New York.

And she wants to redesign the inside of her Manhattan home. But that's not even the whole thing. My boss said she specifically requested me? on my day off...

But hey, I like the how the paycheck is looking so I'm willing to help.

Anyways they gave me the address and guess where I ended up?!?

In front of my condo building... sis got money! She must be up there in the penthouse! So technically we're neighbors.

This should be nice.

 ________________________________NEW YORK, NEW YORK

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So technically, I didn't request anyone to come do a outlook on my place, my manager did. So I'm hoping my manager chose someone with a sense of style.

Hearing my buzzer go off I looked on the camera system to see a young lady with a colorful suit on... mhm interesting. Nonetheless I let her up.

My morning didn't start off so great, Jimmy has just been doing everything to get in contact with me and it's been absolutely annoying. So I'm already quite thrown off.

I sometimes tend to throw my anger towards others, which is something I'm trying to work on so hopefully all goes good.

Hearing the knock on my door I go open it, here goes nothing.

"Hi, I'm the interior designer that you requested." She said, in a quiet soft spoken tone.

Her appearance didn't give off the nervous type but I can be a bit intimidating.

I greeted her back and welcomed her into my home.


"So what's your name"? She asked me

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"So what's your name"? She asked me... I simply responded with Lady London. Because not everyone needs to know my name.

Also because majority of my clients call me Ms.London which I have no problem with.

What's your name? I asked with a small smile. I'm not going to lie this woman is very pretty but also she looks very intimidating.

"Chrissy. Chrissy Lampkin, you've never heard of me?" She asked me. And honestly I haven't.

No ma'am, I mean this in the nicest way possible I haven't. But it's a pleasure to meet you Chrissy. Let's get started shall we? I said, switching to my most professionalism state.


Eh, I don't know she seems like annoyed

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Eh, I don't know she seems like annoyed... but I've definitely changed so I'm not going to question it. And I know damn well "Lady London" ain't her real name. 

And then it's like how don't you know me? Lil lady must've never seen love n hip hop or maybe she has but is just trying to keep it respectful and professional I understand.

Anyways I led her to the nice sized bathroom since that's what I wanted to start with... And we got right down to business.

I knew I wanted dark but that classy modern chic feel. Like comfy and class. I prayed that this woman knew what she was doing because I'm the one paying her...

About an hour and 45 minutes passed and she was done mapping out what I wanted done. And she's actually good.

I also learned that she lives in this same building. Which could be a good or bad thing.
Anyways we were finished and she was now about to leave.

Standing in my doorway, I thanked her and was about to close the door. Not before she asked for my number, and i wasn't giving it to her. For various reasons. I don't trust everyone with my number, the same way she knew that she was requested will be the same way she can contact me... through my manager.

Anything that needs to be done or handled, you can contact my manager and he'll tell me.

She gave me a slight scoff then chucked.. you serious? She asked me...

Actually yes I am, have a great night Ms.London thank you for helping me today. And with that I closed my door.

Jeez, that may have came across so rude and I really didn't mean it to.

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