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I was enjoying myself, my party went really well but now it was time for the REAL fun! The club!
I did a mini change, I changed into something more comfortable then my actual birthday dress. I still look good.
I'm not going to lie what Santana said did catch me off guard and it didn't sound like she was playing. But I wasn't about to ask B.Simone and Megan if what she said was true. I'm grown ass woman I don't care. But like damn is my attitude really that noticeable?
I also noticed that Santana had left, which was a bummer because I wanted to invite her out to the club with us. But whatever. I want hella people in my section like I just want to have a good time. ________________________________ NEW YORK, NEW YORK
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SANTANA MIYLAUN _____________________________
Yeah, I know I made such a fuss about not really wanting to go the club. But fuck it yolo! I'm going to go. Megan had sent me the address earlier just in case.
I went home and changed into something more comfortable, then I headed out. I saw from their instagram stories that my friends were already there.
I quickly took my tripod out and secured my phone in position, so I could take some cute pictures really fast. They actually came out pretty decent. I'll post them before the night is over.
Anyways let me get to this club. - - - - - - - - - - CHRISSY LAMPKIN - - - - - - - -
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We're here at Club Bliss! And I'm not going to lie, I'm definitely drunk. It's so damn lit.
The DJ has been shouting me and my section out since we got here. It's truly a vibe.
Everybody is just having a good time. We had some bottles in our section. But I was headed towards the bar. I actually like the bar, talking to the workers are fun. Especially when you're drunk.
It be some cool people at the bar.
And as I was walking I felt someone grab my waist. Y'all don't know how fast I turned around.
Nigga get off me! I said, ready to cause a scene.
"Damn lil mama, I'm just tryna see what you got going on. You got a man or some shit? The fuck?"
Before I could respond someone else walked up behind me, grabbing my waist... rubbing down my sides. WHAT THE FUCK. I was definitely about to go the fuck off until this mysterious person said...
"Nah Holmes, this all mine. She good."
Wait- the voice was feminine but low key a little deep? This is a woman. Nonetheless she came right at the perfect time so I'm going to play along.
She damn sure is comfortable rubbing all on me like this...
You okay boo? The woman who've I've yet to face asked right in my ear. Playing along I said "I'm good baby" in a soft spoken tone
And the most unexpected response ever came from the man who grabbed me a few seconds ago.
My bad Lady London I ain't know this was your girl. The man said, then quickly walked off.
.... She's into girls? That's besides the point I kind of relaxed in her arms knowing that it was someone I was acquainted with.
But how do he know her?
I turned around to be met with her chest. I looked up at her to see her looking down at me.
She had a look of worry on her face scanning me from head to toe making sure I was good.
And I quickly grabbed her jaw making her look me in my eyes, i then reassured her that I was okay. She simply nodded, folding her lips showing her deep dimples.
I then thanked her.
"So, your friends told me you weren't coming. What made you change your mind?" I asked leading her to our section.
"Well i wasn't, but then I thought a cool night wouldn't be so bad although the club isn't really my type of scene."
"It's not? You seem like the party type to me."
"No actually I'm not, but let's talk about that another time. Do you want me in your home tomorrow so we can go over the plan based on your living room area?"
Santana said in a much lighter tone. I noticed that she code switches a lot especially in her professional state but hey I do too, so I'm not complaining.
I told her yes, and introduced her to the people who were in my section. Some she already knew and some she didn't.
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I know my reaction towards Chrissy was a little shocking, and I could've just pretend to be one of her little friends but in clubs ALTHOUGH they aren't my scenes people do know me as Lady London.
Now far as ole boy acting scared? Let's just say he may know me from the past shit ion know. That's another story for another day. But I'm glad I was right there. Because shit gets dangerous out here in these streets.
And I just know Chrissy is going to question it, but hopefully not tonight. I just wanna chill for real. I know Megan & B.Simone are probably already drunk and Chrissy seems as if she's tispy. Hopefully her other friends are cool.
Anyways we'll see how this goes, and I'm not staying for long. ___________________________________
keep scrolling.
hey guys, author speaking :) how are y'all liking the book so far? I know this is a random ship but i was bored lol. if yall have any ideas of who y'all would like to see in a book lmk or any ideas for this book also.
y'all can ask questions, and pls interact in the comments & vote. it lets me know y'all fucking with the book lol. anyways see y'all next chapterrrrr