pjs and champagne

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MAY 3rd

CHRISSY LAMPKIN____________________________________

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"Yo Chrissy, I'm so glad you accepted the invite! We're definitely going to have fun. I know that some of the other cast members invited people majority from the other Love & Hip Hops, and also people known around their city. They won't be on film though, is that cool?" And the other cast members you invited and your one non cast member.

I didn't know how to feel about other people who isn't apart of the Love & Hip Hop franchise coming on this trip to Jamaica but the rules were that we had to bring a non cast member plus it's not really my place to say anything so. "Yeah Mariah, I'm fine with that. I'll text you when I touch down."

I'm excited to be on this trip! To be back on reality tv will definitely be a great opportunity and will probably open hella doors for me. A little nervous about who's all coming on the trip because I honestly don't know.

I'm on the private jet right now, headed to my destination and let's just say I'm about to have some fun.

Now I know y'all are probably thinking about what's been up with Santana and I? And honestly nothing much. There's nothing to discuss. The kiss was for show and I truly just want to be friends with Santana. I know shes team women and I've had my fair share with women... basically experimenting but that was YEARS ago.

The dinner still went smoothly, and the kiss wasn't brought up whatsoever. I'm pretty sure she wants to mention it but I don't.

After that we haven't seen each other but we have been texting just checking in on each other.

Here's her texting me now actually!

Santana M :
Hey Chrissy , sorry I didn't respond back to your latest message I was busy packing but I'm free now. How are you feeling today?
sent 12:26

Chrissy Lampkin :
Hi Lovie! It's alright, and what exactly were you packing for if you care to tell me? 👀I'm fine. How are you?
sent 12:28

Santana M :
Well nosey, lol I was invited out to this trip im not sure where my friend told me it was surprise and that's good. Wyd?
sent 12:30

Chrissy Lampkin :

Ouuu okay that sounds interesting! And I'm actually on a jet right now heard to Jamaica for a trip with the L&HH cast. Don't tell anyone though.
sent 12:30

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