Chapter 1- back to alpha centaruri

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Will's POV

It's been a year since me and robot have been back to alpha Centauri. I was talking to penny about the adventures me and robot had while penny told me all that has been happening over here as we were walking over to our parents house.
"A lot has changed since you and robot were last here" penny said  "well Judy is one of the best doctors here, mom and dad have been working on a space project and there is a lot more around here it might take a while for you to get caught up." Penny said
"It's been a lot of fun traveling but I think I might stay for a while." I said "that's grate!" Penny said surprised but happy "we should go tell the others, oh and where is the robot?" Penny asked confused about where robot went. I was also confused because I thought I saw him not to long ago. Me and penny searched for 20 minutes I found a flower it was really pretty but penguins said she found robot looking at the water fall in the woods "phew thought we may have lost you there big guy it's kinda dangerous out here in the woods we still don't know how many things are on this planet we haven't exploded it all." Penny warned
"I was worried there for a minute robot why did you come over here?" I asked curiously because it's really not like him to wander off

Penny's POV

I was meeting up with Will to talk about how things were going on over here but we ended up spending most of the time we had looking for the robot I found him and called for Will to come over he was looking at something I couldn't see what so I assumed he found a tiny animal.
"Phew thought we may have lost you there big guy it's kinda dangerous out here in the woods we still don't know how many things are on this planet we haven't explored it all." I said, "I was worried there for a minute robot why did you come over here? Will asked. "Danger" the robot said pointing at the waterfall. I was confused, why would the robot say that out of no where? "What's dangerous about the water fall robot" Will asked, "danger" was the only thing the robot responded with. "How can this robot be a super smart Alien thing and still not know how to say anything other then danger, Robinson, and what not." I asked "I'm still teaching him words it takes time." will responded "then why is it taking so long" I said kinda impatiently I wanted to go see mom and dad not worry about some water fall "hay we all had to learn it ales at least three years to be able to speak it fluently" Will answered annoyed.

Will's POV

I was annoyed but couldn't really think about it, because it was very weird for the robot to wander off from him let alone call a water fall dangerous but that doesn't sound right I'll have to think about this another time Will thought as him, penny, and robot continued to walk to their parents house he's never been here it was a big hose with a gate, white fence, and white walls on the outside it was beautiful
"I'm so happy your home" mom said as she hugged me "it's nice to see you again to mom" I didn't see dad behind me until he spoke "hay there kiddo it's been a while" dad said "oh I didn't see you when we were walking over where'd you come from." I asked, "I was helping the construction worker's build the home Judy picked when we found out she wanted to move out." Dad said "oh that's cool." I responded "I heard you and mom were working on a space project." I asked I was happy to finally see them all again after so long "Ya it's going really good you remember the black hole that was near the other planet." He asked "oh you mean the black hole that was going to kill us if we didn't get off the planet." I said sarcastically "ya that one, turns out the planet is still alive it just has a year long livening span before it gets to hot for things to live there we are studying the things that live there to see how they were able to survive for so long on that planet and from the extreme heat." Dad answered I was about to say something before Judy came over to say hi.

Judy's POV

"Hi Will" I said as I ran over to them "oh hi Judy it's nice to see you again" Will said "how's it been traveling the galaxy." I asked "we had a few close calls but it was really fun going on adventures we me and robot recorded every thing that we saw on the planets that aren't on any other planets" Will said "cool mom is going to be here until 11:00 so we have four hours to talk" I said "your mom has been working on the Jupiter's to find out how we can improve the design of it she was able to find some flaw's so we can upgrade your ship for the next travel you have." Dad said "that's cool" Will said "ok so what me and robot found some really cool things on the planets we went to." We all talked back and fourth about how we spent our time when we were away we talked all day mom left earlier then expected but she left on time we talked for a while then went to bed "night I'm heading out" I said "night" they all said in unison and I walked out the door to my apartment I was staying at till dad and the construction workers built my home.

Word count-1058
I hope your enjoying the book so far it took a while to write because I was kinda demotivated and please do tell me what you think also I'd there if there are any grammar, typo's and what not let me know I'll fix them when I get the chance
Made on February/9/2023

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