Chapter 2-the waterfall

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Will's POV

I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the thought of robot saying a water fall was dangerous. "sigh" I'll just go see what he was talking about I quietly changed and tiptoed to the door I put my shoes on and walked a few steps out the door but then I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked over to see robot "oh it's just you" I said "danger will Robinson" robot said suddenly robot grabbed me by the hand and started to walk in the direction we found the water fall.

As we were walking I heard a twig snap so I looked over to see what happened I saw a small blue light and went to check it out robot had the same idea because he began walking over to were we heard the sound I moved the beaches that were blocking are view but saw nothing I looked down to see a small twig that had snapped and the flower I saw from earlier I bent down cautiously and examined it, then I picked it up robot grabbed it from out of my hand then he gave it back to me and began the walk to the water fall again. I put the flower into my pocket and followed robot until I heard the sounds of rushing water.

Robots POV

I heard a twig snap and immediately turned around to see nothing there I began to walk up to were me and Will heard the noise he moved the branches and we both began to look for anything that could have caused the noise. Will picked up a flower and grabbed it, then gave it back to Will it didn't look like much as Will put it into his pocket I began walking to the water fall again we had more important things to worry about then a flower because there had been a message that was not visible to humans and it was a land mark so that the other robot knew where to attack first when SAR came back.

Will's POV

By the time I had finally caught up to robot he was at the water fall again what was white him and this water fall?

Word count-444
Sorry  I'm just going to post this small chapter I'm doing some work so please be patient I'll post a long chapter and it'll be a part two to this, anyway's thanks for reading and have a nice day this part was trash I'm still working on my writing skills I will try and get better please be patient with me🥲

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