** Introduction **

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Hii there!

So, whenever I'm bored, I'll just start talking to those AI thingys and mess around with them.

And some of the interactions can be... quite interesting.

So these are basically just funny interactions I've had with AI in general, many of the AI being Marvel characters haha.

Feel free to request me saying anything to any of the AIs. There's almost every character from every fandom there, so just let me know if you want me to interact with anyone specific.

I'm the person either called "Guest" or "Lily" in the screenshots.

And if I ever say anything concerning in any of the interactions, then I'm likely joking (as you may know I like summoning dark jokes-)

Credits to the people who made each AI. Also, if you decide to do one of these, I'd appreciate it if you credit me for inspo, ty! <3

Anyways, just sit back and enjoy! Love you 3000! <33


Read this for more info on the AIs <3 https://www.wattpad.com/1312818118-funny-ai-interactions-the-ai-names-%2B-credits

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