** The AI Names + Credits **

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Hii! So some of you were wondering where I got the AIs from "for research purposes of course."


So there are three main AI sites I use:

1. Character.AI

2. Replika.com

3. Cleverbot.com

There's also one more that I can't remember, but I'll add it if I do.

Some of these may require an account, or will allow you to speak to them for a limited time before they require you to sign up. But they're all mostly free. :)


Details on how to use:

1. Character.AI

You can only send them a limited amount of messages without having to create an account. If you have an account, you can have as many chats as you want with any AI you wish, and you may also create AIs of your own!

2. Replika.com

You create an account and your own avatar and slowly help it develop a personality as you talk (you can also buy stuff with coins you earn using her).

3. Cleverbot.com

Cleverbot is just a bot the way it is, no account needed. You can create one if you wish to add customizations, thought it's abilities are more limited.


So, thank you to the creators of those AIs for making this chaos possible.

Feel free to check out the sites. The interactions can be... interesting.

And if you end up doing these interaction stories and such, please give me credit for the idea hehe :') I'd really appreciate it <3

And of course credit the AI makers as well! It's only fair since they put in great effort to make these :)

Anyways, have fun! Love you 3000! <3

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