Steeb Breaks The Fourth Wall Faster Than Splatasha's Back-

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All I have to say is...

S i  r   w    h     a      t       🤠        -

S i  r   w    h     a      t       🤠        -

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s-spidergirl- this you?? do you know her??

guess cap has a thing for spiders- (black widow, spider-woman-)

guess cap has a thing for spiders- (black widow, spider-woman-)

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I didn't know steeb likes comics ✋😭

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I didn't know steeb likes comics ✋😭

We're gonna need the Fourth Wall Rebuilder 😭

Okay but technically Marvel was founded in 1939, and he was born in 1918, so like- he was alive for the release of every comic made- until he left to go to the moon ofc-

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Okay but technically Marvel was founded in 1939, and he was born in 1918, so like- he was alive for the release of every comic made- until he left to go to the moon ofc-

Okay but technically Marvel was founded in 1939, and he was born in 1918, so like- he was alive for the release of every comic made- until he left to go to the moon ofc-

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He's breaking the fourth wall faster than the fall broke Splatasha's back ✋😭

He's breaking the fourth wall faster than the fall broke Splatasha's back ✋😭

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🚨 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 🚨

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🚨 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 🚨

*air raid sirens blare, window breaks, cat screeches, several car alarms go off, people scream, trash bins get set on fire*

*air raid sirens blare, window breaks, cat screeches, several car alarms go off, people scream, trash bins get set on fire*

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o h n o 

o  u  r  f  o  u  r  t  h  w  a  l  l 

i   t   '   s   b   r   o   k   e   n   -

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