Knot done

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Later that evening....

Tatum was dressed in a gorgeous silk shirt with cuffed sleeves and a loose-fitting pair of black pants that accentuated his butt.

Andrew had a black tailored suit which he purchased at the boutique in the hotel lobby.

Andrew was trying his best not to keep glancing at Tatum but it was impossible, he looked too good, he had done his hair in a different style and had done an effort to look breath-taking.

*For fuck sake I am not in love.* Andrew chastised himself silently

As they were led to their table, they found Greg, his wife and his daughter already seated.

Greg looked very surprised when he saw Tatum.... His wife greeted Andrew with a nod keeping her hands to herself, but she greeted Tatum warmly even shaking hands with him. The little girl stared openly at Tatum...

"WOW! Lady you are so beautiful," Nadia exclaimed

Tatum blushed bright red and quickly looked at Andrew before answering for confirmation.

Andrew nodded slightly.

"Um hi there sweetheart, actually I'm not a lady... I'm a guy" Tatum replied softly

Greg spilt his wine, his wife gaped at Andrew and the girl giggled and launched right into questions.

"Really? You're not a girl you're a boy?" Nadia asked curiously

"Yes ha-ha I'm a boy" Tatum smiled

"WOW! Your super pretty for a boy." Nadia exclaimed

"Will you be my friend, I'll show you my stuffed toy and we can tell each other secrets," Nadia begged

"Ha-ha Yes I'll be your friend, my name is Tatum" Tatum replied smiling

"Ooo! Pretty name as well I'm Nadia and this is Mr Gruff" Nadia giggled

"I can't believe you're a boy, you're even prettier than my mom and she is very pretty." She was smiling from ear to ear. "I'm going to watch my movie on the phone finished then we can talk some more before we go home ...o-kaaay!" Nadia said excitedly

Then she got distracted by her phone watching the movie.

Tatum looked up into the shocked faces of Greg and his wife.

He smiled brightly at them.

"Greg, Stop staring for fuck sake!" Andrew ground out

"Wha-? Oh! s-s-sorry" Greg spluttered

Greg was caught so off guard that he blushed and apologised profusely. His wife looked at Tatum with new eyes, like Tatum had grown an extra set of eyes.

Then she avoided Tatum's gaze for the remainder of the evening going from a warm welcome to cold indifference, which didn't faze Tatum at all, he was used to the disdain woman showed him that felt threatened. And she felt very threatened as even her husband had gawked at Tatum.

Tatum could tell instantly that Cynthia was a beta, just a normal woman, and thus her husband being an alpha must weigh heavily, especially if omegas were around, as he could mark her but she could not mark him.

Greg noticed his wife's cold demeanour and made an apologetic face at Tatum, which grated at Andrew, why was Greg making faces at Tatum?

Greg looked back to Andrew and regretted looking at Tatum.

*ah fuck, that's the face of a man ready to kill for love* "Man, relax no one is going to bite, please have some Pinotage and calm down." Greg said cautiously

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