Chapter 1

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Peter Parker was no longer bonded with the alien symbiote; he'd returned to the more familiar red and blue costume that everyone associated with Spider-Man. But he wasn't just the same old Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man anymore. His time with the symbiote had been brief, but the effect it had on him wasn't so easily discarded. He'd been changed, for better or worse.

He'd always had a healthy libido; he was a virile young man, after all. It had risen to another level entirely now though. He was horny on a nearly constant basis now, almost always in search of some attractive female to fuck. The good news for him was that the symbiote's influence seemed to spread beyond just him.

He wasn't the only one who was almost always horny now. He'd found that women gave it up to him all too easily now. It's not like he was a virgin before bonding with the symbiote, but it had at least been something of a challenge to work his way into a woman's pants before. Now girls seemed drawn to him like a magnet, willing to do what he said and take their clothes off for him with minimal effort on his part.

Peter had been having lots of fun with his newfound ability to lure sexy women into doing what he wanted, but fucking random girls he met while swinging around town could only appeal to him for so long. Eventually he thirsted for more and began to set his sights higher.

Why settle for your average everyday woman? He was a superhero. Peter decided he was going to stop turning to normal women for his fix and instead start focusing his attention on heroines.


Natasha Romanoff cut an imposing figure, and she reminded Peter how strong she was as  they went through their workout. It wasn't the way that she attacked the heavy bag or how quickly she ran laps around the gym that impressed him though. He was far more interested in admiring her breasts in her black sports bra and watching her sweet ass move in those tiny workout shorts. The Black Widow was one sexy woman. Dangerous, but sexy.

The old Peter Parker would have been too intimidated to make a move on her, both because of how dangerous she was if you got on her bad side and because he would've been worried about her girlfriend Maria Hill threatening him as well. The new Peter wouldn't be intimidated by the Black Widow's admittedly intimidating aura, and he wasn't going to let a little thing like her having a girlfriend get in his way either. He boldly crossed the gym while she was doing stretches, came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. His hands grabbed onto her breasts through her sports bra, and he pressed his hips against her from behind. She stiffened against him, and he could feel the tension in her body. She was like a coiled snake preparing to strike.

"Peter," Natasha said, her voice low and dangerous. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Just about anyone else would have recoiled in horror at the obvious anger in Natasha's voice. Even Peter himself would have turned and run if Black Widow had spoken to him like this in the not too distant past, but then again that Peter would never have dared to grab her like this in the first place. The Peter Parker that existed now, the one that had been altered forever after his time with the symbiote, didn't back down in the face of the imminent threat from one of the most dangerous women in the world.

"What does it feel like I'm doing?" he said, turning his head so he was speaking directly into her ear. He rubbed against her, letting her feel his erection press against her ass through their layers of clothing. He heard her breath catch in her throat and he smiled, knowing that he had her right where he wanted her.

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