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After Yuuri opened the castle doors, he walked out in hopes to NOT see anyone and anything related to shin makoku.

"yuuri!" "daddy!" "yuuri!" "your majesty Please!" "shibuya!"

But was Yuuri listening? No. He actually zoned everyone and everything out. He was just thinking to himself.
"💭why? Why does everything bad happen to me? I get flushed down a toilet, end up in an unknown world, be declared king, accidentally engages a boy, go through a series of events, return to earth to sadly find out I can't go back and finally, return only to find the boy I engaged and surprisingly got feelings for is getting married!? " thought a seething Yuuri.
By now, Yuuri was heading for the castle gates. And the weather wasn't getting any sexier. But it had surprisingly no effect on Yuuri.
"if I knew this was going to happen.. I wouldn't have...... " mumbles a fist clenching Yuuri. "💭I just want to get out of here. Anywhere would do. Be it the most remote, abandoned, unclaimed and forgotten place. As long as it's far away from here. I would -" Yuuri's thoughts were Interrupted when he felt a pair of hands hold on to his right arm. And oh God, did he wish he hadn't turn around.

As he turned around, Onyx met Emerald. "y-yuuri please listen. I-i never wanted this. I-" Wolfram started, but was interrupted by Yuuri's cold tone. "❄️ you what, Wolfram? If you never wanted this, why'd you do it? For all I know, you would have had a fit, if something or someone was forced upon you that you never wanted.*dark chuckle* *sighs* to be honest Wolfram, at first I didn't want to believe it, but I soon did. Back then, I never really had the balls to admit, heck, even tell you,"
Wolfram was confused of what Yuuri was saying.
"do you know the day before I left for earth, I wanted to tell you, but I was scared, then I thought, maybe I needed a little trinket back from earth to convey my message incase I babbled like an idiot.... I knew I fucked up then especially when I failed to get back.... I thought I'd never get the chance to tell you..But when I got back here.... I thought... I thought I could tell you how I truly felt.. " Wolfram let out a gasp. "Y-yuuri..." by now there was a crowd that gathered a few feet away from them and they noticed that as Yuuri was talking, the weather was calming down a bit. "i was happy I was back. Being away from you was truly hell. I missed you. I hoped to make amends with you. I hoped to patch up the things I tore up. I-.... What I'm saying is, I hoped to reciprocate the feelings you felt for me.. And since they say actions speak louder than words...I guess this will have to suffice."

Yuuri reached out and did the last thing anyone, heck, even himself though he would do. He kissed Wolfram.

Crowd:*gasps* some-[😍] others-[😱]
Elizabeth: ......
Lady Celi:😍☺️💖✨

Greta:😖😍😚☺️Lady Celi:😍☺️💖✨Gunther:👁️👄👁️💔😱😵👼🏻*faint*Conrad:😌Murata:🤨😑Gwendal:😠🔥👄🔥💢

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After breaking the kiss
*Wolfram>(⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ)* "y-yuuri.. "
Yuuri "❄️....... Goodbye Wolfram. " *turns around and walks away from Wolfram and everyone else*
“n-no.. ” mumbles wolfram “i can't lose you again. Yuur-” before wolfram could even get a hold of his hand, Yuuri.... Vanished. Leaving behind sparkling little lights as though it were a fairy tail.

 Leaving behind sparkling little lights as though it were a fairy tail

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Lady Celi:😵

As for wolfram, well....

As for wolfram, well

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“w-wha... Y...y-y-yuuri?.. Yuuri?!... No no no no no!- 😭 Yuuri! Yuuri please, come back! I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I-im.... I'm So so sorry..... Please...” sobbed wolfram who knelt to the ground.

Conrad then approached wolfram and knelt by him while he hesitantly laid his hand on his shoulder

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Conrad then approached wolfram and knelt by him while he hesitantly laid his hand on his shoulder.
Sorry for the wait. I'll update soon. I promise.

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